英语翻译 把下面的两段翻译成英语,拒绝机翻。




丈夫豉起勇气问道: “这房屋出租吗?”
丈夫和妻子听了,一时不知如何是好,于是,他们默默地走开 了。
那5岁的孩子,把事情的经过从头至尾都看在眼里。那可爱的心灵在想:真的就没办法了? 他那红叶般的小手,又去敲房东的大门。
房东听了之后,高声笑了起来,决定把房子租给他们住 。

One dollar
one day,a Jewish rich named Hard walked in the loan department of Citibank, N.A..This gentleman looked elegant and weared luxurious clothes. The manager didn;t dare to treat him arrogantly and said hello to him with respect:
"What can I do for you,sir?"
"Well, I want to borrow some money"
"Yes, how much do you want to borrow then?"
"One dollar"
"Only one dollar?"
"Yes, only one dollar,can I?"
"Ofcourse you can, a gentleman like you can borrow more with guarantees"
"So how about these guarantees?"
The Jew took out a pile of diamonds from his luxury purse.
"Oh, here are diamonds worth five hundred thousand dollars, is that enough?"
"Ofcourse,ofcourse! But, you only need one dollar?"
"Yes."The Jew took one dollar and began to leave the bank.
The subsidiary bank manage on the side was confused, he didn't know why this Jew borrowed one dollar with a guarantee of five hundred thousand dollars. He caught up with the Jew hurriedly and said:"Sir, please wait,you own diamonds worth five hundred thousand dollars, so why do you just borrow one dollar? We will consider it if you borrow three hundred thousand or four hundred thousand dollars."
"Well, here is the thing, I have asked some banks before coming here, their coffers' fees are too expensive, while the rent fee of your is cheap, only six cents a year"

There was a family who want to move into the city and they began to find the house.
There are three people in the family, a couple and a five year old child. They run all day only to find one advertisement for apartment's rent until night.
They hurried there and the house is surprisely good, so they knocked the door to ask.
And the amicable landlord came out and looked carefully through all these three guests.
The husband asked him with courage:" Well, Is this house for rent?"
The landlord said with pity"Oh, I am really sorry, our apartment doesn't accept residents with child"
The husband and wife didn't know what to do on hearing this and they left silently later.
The five year old child watched all the things . The lovely mind was thinking:"Isn;t there any methods?" And he knocked the door with his red leave like hands. And now the couple had walked about five meters away, they both turned to look at him.
The door opened, the landlord came out again, the child said with high spirit:"Papa, I want to rent this house, I have no children, and what i have are just two grow-ups."
The landlord laughed loudly on hearing this and decided to rent the house to them.
第1个回答  2011-12-02
第2个回答  2011-12-02