


第1个回答  2015-09-11
Western civilization in a steady stream in ancient Greece, ancient Greek culture the earliest to Crete culture and Mycenaean culture, around the 12th c entury BC, Mycenaean States was composed of th e Greek coalition, Watakai Enkoasoa Troy. These b rilliant record in ancient Greece spread. Early Gree k rich and colorful social life, the formation of the a ncient Greek mythology and the "history of poetry" immortal homer. The theme of the Troy war in the epic poem is the man and God, man and nature of the struggle, the God of the master, the fate of the trial. In the epic "I liad", the cause of the war of Troy is the story of go lden apple, the outcome of the war is the sovereig nty of god. Can be said that people were bored to death of the gods playing in the palm of your hand , but in the film is due to pumping from the myth, t he fate of the characters become completely drive n by their respective characters of character and e nvironment. Therefore, the original need to use the "God of the arrangement" of the performance of a variety of turning point, no one does not have a de ep impression on the human nature. In the original with the God of the people of the fragile, greed, cou rage, loyalty, and finally can be present". This will be the noble art of epic vulgarization can let the hu man understand their own追问


第2个回答  2015-09-11

