

(卡尔达诺公式法) 特殊型一元三次方程X^3+pX+q=0 (p、q∈R) 判别式Δ=(q/2)^2+(p/3)^3 【卡尔丹公式】 X1=(Y1)^(1/3)+(Y2)^(1/3); X2= (Y1)^(1/3)ω+(Y2)^(1/3)ω^2; 标准型方程中卡尔丹公式的一个实根
X3=(Y1)^(1/3)ω^2+(Y2)^(1/3)ω, 其中ω=(-1+i3^(1/2))/2; Y(1,2)=-(q/2)±((q/2)^2+(p/3)^3)^(1/2)。 标准型一元三次方程aX ^3+bX ^2+cX+d=0 令X=Y—b/(3a)代入上式, 可化为适合卡尔丹公式直接求解的特殊型一元三次方程Y^3+pY+q=0。 【卡尔丹判别法】 当Δ=(q/2)^2+(p/3)^3>0时,方程有一个实根和一对共轭虚根; 当Δ=(q/2)^2+(p/3)^3=0时,方程有三个实根,其中有一个两重根; 当Δ=(q/2)^2+(p/3)^3<0时,方程有三个不相等的实根。
三次方程应用广泛。用根号解一元三次方程,虽然有著名的卡尔丹公式,并有相应的判别法,但使用卡尔丹公式解题比较复杂,缺乏直观性。范盛金推导出一套直接用a、b、c、d表达的较简明形式的一元三次方程的一般式新求根公式,并建立了新判别法。 【盛金公式】 一元三次方程aX^3+bX^2+cX+d=0,(a,b,c,d∈R,且a≠0)。 重根判别式:A=b^2-3ac;B=bc-9ad;C=c^2-3bd, 总判别式:Δ=B^2-4AC。 当A=B=0时,盛金公式①: X⑴=X⑵=X⑶=-b/(3a)=-c/b=-3d/c。 当Δ=B^2-4AC>0时,盛金公式②: X⑴=(-b-Y⑴^(1/3)-Y⑵^(1/3))/(3a); X(2,3)=(-2b+Y⑴^(1/3)+Y⑵^(1/3))/(6a)±i3^(1/2)(Y⑴^(1/3)-Y⑵^(1/3))/(6a); 其中Y(1,2)=Ab+3a(-B±(B^2-4AC)^(1/2))/2,i^2=-1。 当Δ=B^2-4AC=0时,盛金公式③: X⑴=-b/a+K;X⑵=X3=-K/2, 其中K=B/A,(A≠0)。 当Δ=B^2-4AC<0时,盛金公式④: X⑴=(-b-2A^(1/2)cos(θ/3))/(3a); X(2,3)=(-b+A^(1/2)(cos(θ/3)±3^(1/2)sin(θ/3)))/(3a); 其中θ=arccosT,T=(2Ab-3aB)/(2A^(3/2)),(A>0,-1<T<1) 【盛金判别法】 ①:当A=B=0时,方程有一个三重实根; ②:当Δ=B^2-4AC>0时,方程有一个实根和一对共轭虚根; ③:当Δ=B^2-4AC=0时,方程有三个实根,其中有一个两重根; ④:当Δ=B^2-4AC<0时,方程有三个不相等的实根。 【盛金定理】 当b=0,c=0时,盛金公式①无意义;当A=0时,盛金公式③无意义;当A≤0时,盛金公式④无意义;当T<-1或T>1时,盛金公式④无意义。 当b=0,c=0时,盛金公式①是否成立?盛金公式③与盛金公式④是否存在A≤0的值?盛金公式④是否存在T<-1或T>1的值?盛金定理给出如下回答: 盛金定理1:当A=B=0时,若b=0,则必定有c=d=0(此时,方程有一个三重实根0,盛金公式①仍成立)。 盛金定理2:当A=B=0时,若b≠0,则必定有c≠0(此时,适用盛金公式①解题)。 盛金定理3:当A=B=0时,则必定有C=0(此时,适用盛金公式①解题)。 盛金定理4:当A=0时,若B≠0,则必定有Δ>0(此时,适用盛金公式②解题)。 盛金定理5:当A<0时,则必定有Δ>0(此时,适用盛金公式②解题)。 盛金定理6:当Δ=0时,若B=0,则必定有A=0(此时,适用盛金公式①解题)。 盛金定理7:当Δ=0时,若B≠0,盛金公式③一定不存在A≤0的值(此时,适用盛金公式③解题)。 盛金定理8:当Δ<0时,盛金公式④一定不存在A≤0的值。(此时,适用盛金公式④解题)。 盛金定理9:当Δ<0时,盛金公式④一定不存在T≤-1或T≥1的值,即T出现的值必定是-1<T<1。 显然,当A≤0时,都有相应的盛金公式解题。 注意:盛金定理逆之不一定成立。如:当Δ>0时,不一定有A<0。 盛金定理表明:盛金公式始终保持有意义。任意实系数的一元三次方程都可以运用盛金公式直观求解。 当Δ=0(d≠0)时,使用卡尔丹公式解题仍存在开立方。与卡尔丹公式相比较,盛金公式的表达形式较简明,使用盛金公式解题较直观、效率较高;盛金判别法判别方程的解较直观。重根判别式A=b^2-3ac;B=bc-9ad;C=c^2-3bd是最简明的式子,由A、B、C构成的总判别式Δ=B^2-4AC也是最简明的式子(是非常美妙的式子),其形状与一元二次方程的根的判别式相同;盛金公式②中的式子(-B±(B^2-4AC)^(1/2))/2具有一元二次方程求根公式的形式,这些表达形式体现了数学的有序、对称、和谐与简洁美。 盛金公式解法的以上结论,发表在《海南师范学院学报(自然科学版)》(第2卷,第2期;1989年12月,中国海南。国内统一刊号:CN46-1014),第91—98页。范盛金,一元三次方程的新求根公式与新判别法。(NATURAL SCIENCE JOURNAL OF HAINAN TEACHERES COLLEGE , Hainan Province, China. Vol. 2, No. 2;Dec,1989), A new extracting formula and a new distinguishing means on the one variable cubic equation., Fan Shengjin. PP·91—98
第1个回答  2011-01-01


Private Function cubic(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double, ByVal c As Double, ByVal d As Double) As String

Dim x1r As Double, x1i As Double, x2r As Double, x2i As Double, x3r As Double, x3i As Double
Dim ret As String
Dim J1 As String, J2 As String, J3 As String, J As String
hh = Chr(13) + Chr(10)

ret = CubicEquation(a, b, c, d, x1r, x1i, x2r, x2i, x3r, x3i)

If x1i = 0 Then
J1 = "X1=" & Format$(x1r, "#0.0###############") & ";" + hh
End If
If x1i > 0 Then
J1 = "X1=" & Format$(x1r, "#0.0###############") & " + " & Format$(x1i, "#0.0###############") & " i" & ";" + hh
End If
If x1i < 0 Then
J1 = "X1=" & Format$(x1r, "#0.0###############") & Format$(x1i, "#0.0###############") & " i" & ";" + hh
End If

If x2i = 0 Then
J2 = "X2=" & Format$(x2r, "#0.0###############") & ";" + hh
End If
If x2i > 0 Then
J2 = "X2=" & Format$(x2r, "#0.0###############") & " + " & Format$(x2i, "#0.0###############") & " i" & ";" + hh
End If
If x2i < 0 Then
J2 = "X2=" & Format$(x2r, "#0.0###############") & Format$(x2i, "#0.0###############") & " i" & ";" + hh
End If

If x3i = 0 Then
J3 = "X3=" & Format$(x3r, "#0.0###############") & ";" + hh
End If
If x3i > 0 Then
J3 = "X3=" & Format$(x3r, "#0.0###############") & " + " & Format$(x3i, "#0.0###############") & " i" & ";" + hh
End If
If x3i < 0 Then
J3 = "X3=" & Format$(x3r, "#0.0###############") & Format$(x3i, "#0.0###############") & " i" & ";" + hh
End If

J = J1 + J2 + J3
cubic = J

End Function

Private Function CubicEquation _
(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double, ByVal c As Double, ByVal d As Double, _
x1r As Double, x1i As Double, x2r As Double, x2i As Double, x3r As Double, x3i As Double) As String
Dim e As Double, f As Double, g As Double, h As Double, delta As Double
Dim r As Double, sita As Double, pi As Double, rr As Double, ri As Double

If a = 0 Then
CubicEquation = "Not a cubic equation: a = 0"
Exit Function
End If

'pi = 3.14159265358979
pi = 4 * Atn(1)
b = b / a 'simplify to a=1: x^3+bx^2+cx+d=0
c = c / a
d = d / a
e = -b ^ 2 / 3 + c 'substitute x=y-b/3: y^3+ey+f=0
f = (2 * b ^ 2 - 9 * c) * b / 27 + d

If e = 0 And f = 0 Then
x1r = -b / 3
x2r = x1r
x3r = x1r
CubicEquation = "3 same real roots:"
ElseIf e = 0 Then 'need to deal with e = 0, or it will cause z = 0 later.
r = -f 'y^3+f=0, y^3=-f
r = Cur(r)
x1r = r - b / 3 'a real root
If r > 0 Then 'r never = 0 since g=f/2, f never = 0 there
sita = 2 * pi / 3
x2r = r * Cos(sita) - b / 3
x2i = r * Sin(sita)
sita = pi / 3
x2r = -r * Cos(sita) - b / 3
x2i = -r * Sin(sita)
End If
x3r = x2r
x3i = -x2i
CubicEquation = "1 real root and 2 image roots:"
Else 'substitute y=z-e/3/z: (z^3)^2+fz^3-(e/3)^3=0, z^3=-g+sqr(delta)
g = f / 2 '-q-sqr(delta) is ignored
h = e / 3
delta = g ^ 2 + h ^ 3
If delta < 0 Then
r = Sqr(g ^ 2 - delta)
sita = Argument(-g, Sqr(-delta)) 'z^3=r(con(sita)+isin(sita))
r = Cur(r)
rr = r - h / r
sita = sita / 3 'z1=r(cos(sita)+isin(sita))
x1r = rr * Cos(sita) - b / 3 'y1=(r-h/r)cos(sita)+i(r+h/r)sin(sita), x1=y1-b/3
sita = sita + 2 * pi / 3 'no image part since r+h/r = 0
x2r = rr * Cos(sita) - b / 3
sita = sita + 2 * pi / 3
x3r = rr * Cos(sita) - b / 3
CubicEquation = "3 real roots:"
Else 'delta >= 0
r = -g + Sqr(delta)
r = Cur(r)
rr = r - h / r
ri = r + h / r
If ri = 0 Then
CubicEquation = "3 real roots:"
CubicEquation = "1 real root and 2 image roots:"
End If
x1r = rr - b / 3 'a real root
If r > 0 Then 'r never = 0 since g=f/2, f never = 0 there
sita = 2 * pi / 3
x2r = rr * Cos(sita) - b / 3
x2i = ri * Sin(sita)
Else 'r < 0
sita = pi / 3
x2r = -rr * Cos(sita) - b / 3
x2i = -ri * Sin(sita)
End If
x3r = x2r
x3i = -x2i
End If
End If

End Function

Private Function Cur(v As Double) As Double

If v < 0 Then
Cur = -(-v) ^ (1 / 3)
Cur = v ^ (1 / 3)
End If

End Function

Private Function Argument(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
Dim sita As Double, pi As Double

'pi = 3.14159265358979
pi = 4 * Atn(1)
If a = 0 Then
If b >= 0 Then
Argument = pi / 2
Argument = -pi / 2
End If

sita = Atn(Abs(b / a))

If a > 0 Then
If b >= 0 Then
Argument = sita
Argument = -sita
End If
ElseIf a < 0 Then
If b >= 0 Then
Argument = pi - sita
Argument = pi + sita
End If
End If

End If

End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim a As Double, b As Double, c As Double, d As Double
Dim J As String, J1 As String, J2 As String, P As Double
Dim xr As Double, xi As Double
hh = Chr(13) + Chr(10)
a = Val(Text1.Text)
b = Val(Text2.Text)
c = Val(Text3.Text)
d = Val(Text4.Text)
If a <> 0 Then
Text5.Text = cubic(a, b, c, d)
End If

If a = 0 And b <> 0 Then
P = c ^ 2 - 4 * b * d
xr = -c / (2 * b)
Select Case P
Case Is = 0
x = xr
J = "X=" & Format$(x, "#0.0###############")
Text5.Text = J
Case Is > 0
xi = Sqr(Abs(P)) / (2 * b)
J1 = xr + Sqr(Abs(P)) / (2 * b)
J2 = xr - Sqr(Abs(P)) / (2 * b)
J = "X1=" & Format$(J1, "#0.0###############") & hh & "X2=" & Format$(J2, "#0.0###############")
Text5.Text = J
Case Is < 0
xi = Sqr(Abs(P)) / (2 * b)
J1 = "X1=" & Format$(xr, "#0.0###############") & "+" & Format$(xi, "#0.0###############") & "i;" + hh
J2 = "X2=" & Format$(xr, "#0.0###############") & "-" & Format$(xi, "#0.0###############") & "i;"
J = J1 + J2
Text5.Text = J
End Select
End If

If a = 0 And b = 0 And c <> 0 Then
x = d / c
J = "X=" & Format$(x, "#0.0###############")
Text5.Text = J
End If

If a = 0 And b = 0 And c = 0 Then
MsgBox "方程无意义,请重新输入!", , "温馨提示"
End If

End Sub
第2个回答  2010-12-27
第3个回答  2010-12-27
第4个回答  2010-12-27