我下周轮到我要在班里英语演讲 请帮忙翻译一下 务必准确点 悬赏不会低的~

hi,everyone.我今天演讲的主题是study is“not important. what does China give us? 9年制义务教育. but now what do we do well? i’ll answer :nothing! if we play basball in this 9 years .wemaybe have been a basball player.if we play piano in this years.we must be a pianist.到时候我们就可以凭自己的爱好来找到属于自己的工作.i really dont like study .idont think study can give me something useful .我敢说,中国教育毁的不是我自己一个人,而是这一代人!China Education have been failed.but we have study for 9 years. we have no ways to do others.now,we only study hard to achieve our dream。 thank you!

今天我演讲的主题是:The theme of my speech today is
9年制义务教育:Nine year compulsory education
到时候我们就可以凭自己的爱好来找到属于自己的工作是And we'll be able to rely on their own interests to find their own work.
我敢说,中国教育毁的不是我自己一个人,而是这一代人是I dare say,Chinese education not destroy my won person but the people of this generation.
第1个回答  2014-10-12
Hi, everyone. The topic of mylecture today is “study is not important”. what does China give us?Nine years of compulsory education. but now what do we do well? I’llanswer :nothing!if we play basketball in this 9 years .we maybe have been a basketball player.If we play piano in this year, we must be a pianist. and we can find our careerby our specialty .I really don’t like study .I don’t think study can give mesomething useful . I claim bravely here and now, I am not the only one damagedby Chinese education , It is the whole our generation!ChinaEducation has been failed. But we have study for 9 years. We have no ways to doothers. now,we only study hard to achieve ourdream.
Thank you!

第2个回答  2014-10-12
我今天演讲的主题是 是The theme of my speech today is.9年制义务教育是9 year compulsory education..到时候我们就可以凭自己的爱好来找到属于自己的工作是And we'll be able to rely on their own interests to find their own work.我敢说,中国教育毁的不是我自己一个人,而是这一代人是I dare say,Chinese education not destroy my won person but the people of this generation. 希望对你有帮助。