
出海需要什么呢?恩,没错。需要船,而船的大小决定了你能航行距离的远近,而现在的我们正处于造船的阶段,以知识为材料来造船,你的知识越丰富,那么你遭的船就会越大。 那么你将能去探索更为广阔的世界。(世界风光图)


First of all, question time, who can tell me what the map is? (Map of the world) then this one? (Map)and here? Map of Xiamen City, well, here is what we call hometown .(Xiamen City, beautiful scenery Figure) beautiful!
Okay, now let us return to the first map , the map of the world. Well, now, who can accurately figure out our beautiful home from this map? This is a very difficult task, because this world is very, very large, while our home was too small to leave any traces .
Many people compare our home as a harbor, (Harbour diagram); while the outside world is like a vast sea. I believe that everyone is hoping to sail the boat. And not only satisfied with standing on the dock to appreciate, although the scenery is beautiful, but monotonous .
What do we need when sailing? Well, yes. we need ship .And the size of the ship decide how far we can sail , and now we are at the stage of shipbuilding , with knowledge to build ship. The more abundant our knowledge is , then the larger our ship will be. Then we will be able to explore the wider world. (The world's landscape pictures)
We know there are many, many beautiful places in this world . One day we can see our world , this beautiful world not through television or photographs, but with our own eyes……


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我已经给你发到邮箱了,希望可以帮到你啊!Good luck!

第1个回答  2012-02-25
Now, question time.Anyone who can tell me which map is it ?(世界地图)And this one?( 中国地图)And where is this place?(厦门市地图)yeah,very good.,This is actually our hometown.。(厦门市美丽的风景图)it's amazing, right? good. now ,let's go back to the first map-----the world map.so, who can find our beautiful hometown from it correctly? difficult,right?.It is because of the big world and the small hometown.Many of us see our hometown as harbour9港湾图),and the world is the vast ocean.
第2个回答  2012-02-02
First of all, it is the time for question, who can tell me which map this is? (world map) Then how about this one? ( Chinese map) Here?(the map of XiaMen). Great, it is the place we can call hometown. (beautiful landscape of XiaMen), it is beautiful ,isn’t it? Well ,now let’s go back to the first map , the world map. So who can exactly point out our beautiful hometown from this world map? It is difficult, because our world is very very big , while our hometown is too small to leave a mark. Many people change hometown to harbour,( harborchart); while the outside world is like the vast ocean. I believe that everyone hope to leave for the sea by boat , but not be satisfied with enjoying in the wharf, even the the seasacpe is beautiful but dull.
What do you need for leaving ? Yes,boat. While the size of boat decide how far you can sail, we are now in the phase of making the boat, with knowledge ,the richer your knowledge is ,the bigger your boat is .So you can explore the extensive world (world landscape )
There are many beautiful and fascinating places in the world . I hope we can see this beautiful world by ourselves not by TV or photos.
第3个回答  2012-02-02
问一下 你这个演讲面对的对象是谁? 多大?
Now, it‘s the question time, who can tell me what is this ?(世界地图)what about this one? (中国地图) and now? (厦门地图)well,excellent , this can be called our hometown. (厦门风景) quite beautiful! Well, now let's go back to the first map, yeah it is the map of the world. So, now, who can figure out where exactly our beautiful hometown is? (hold)OK This is mission impossible, because the world is very, very big, but our hometown is so small that U can hardly find in it. Many people take the hometown as a harbour, (港湾图); The outside world as a vast sea. I believe that everyone wants to sail in the sea .rather than standing on the beach watching the scenery. which is beatiful but monotonous.
What's needed to sail in the sea? Well, that's right. ship (or boat), and it is the type of the ship that deciside your sailing distance, however , we are in shipbuilding stage now, knowledge is the material for shipbuilding, with richer knowledge you will get bigger ship. Then you will be able to explore the wide world. (世界风景)

there are many many beautiful place in this world. i hope that one day we can view this world,this beatiful world with our own eyes rather than the TVs or photographs,追问



其实不必要弄太高级的词汇,内容过于复杂对于你的演讲的流畅性是有一定负面影响的,同时学生不一定能完全搞懂你的意思,你主要面对的是学生、老师只是旁听的。 注意你的语速、发音、就好了。这些东西就够你背一会的了。

第4个回答  2012-02-06
百度知道哪里有人给你翻译 大家不都是用电脑翻译 很多语法都是错了
第5个回答  2012-02-14
First of all, question time, who can tell me what map? (Map of the world) then this one? (Map) here? Map of Xiamen City, well, here is what we call home can not be overstated. (Xiamen City, beautiful scenery Figure) beautiful! Okay, now let us return to the first map is the map of the world. Well, now, who can accurately from this map that the beauty of our home? This is a very difficult thing, because this world is very, very large, while our home was small was even traces failed to leave. Many people to become the home harbor, (Harbour diagram); the outside world like a vast sea. I believe that everyone is hoping to sail the boat. And not only full of help to stand on the dock to appreciate, although beautiful, but monotonous sea.
Sea what? Well, yes. Need to ship the size of the ship you can sail the distances, and now we are at the stage of shipbuilding materials to shipbuilding, knowledge, your knowledge is more abundant, then the boat you have been the greater will be. Then you will be able to explore the wider world. (Landscape pictures)
in this world there are many many beautiful places. Then one day we can not through television or photographs, but with their own eyes to see our world in this beautiful world.