
7.3质量保证期:设备安装调试完毕,经验收合格,并经双方代表签字之日起算,质量保证期为 个月。质量保证期内,乙方应免费更换所有存在缺陷的部件或损坏的部件(因使用不当和不可抗力致损除外),更换的零部件的质量保证期从更换之日起重新计算。对于隐蔽性的、合理的检查和试验都不能发觉的缺陷,即使质量保证期已过,由于其产品本身的设计缺陷、制造缺陷、安装缺陷造成的故障,仍由乙方免费负责维修、更换。

第1个回答  2010-11-07
Party B shall guarantee that the Goods shall be made with first-class material and top-class process which shall be in conformity with state or industry standards, and shall be completely new and unused, and shall conform to the agreed quality, specifications, performance and function required herein. Party B shall guarantee that, under the right installation, normal use and maintenance, such order shall be running well within the Quality Guarantee Period in Article 7.3 hereunder. Within such Period, Party B shall be reliable for any failure or fault due to any defects in design, procedure or material

7.2 Within such Period, should such Goods, as per the results of quality inspection, be not inconformity with the regulations herein in quantity, quality, specification, configuration and safety, or be proved defective including without limit to interior defects or wrong material, Party A shall claim for the above by a notice in written to Party B.

7.3 Quality Guarantee Period
The Quality Guarantee Period shall be ____ months, from the date when the equipment is completed in installation, adjustment and test and the representatives sign from both parties.
Party B shall, within such Period, change all the spare parts, defected or damages, except for the reason of non-normal use or force majeur, free of charge. The Quality Guarantee Period for such changed spare parts shall commence from the date of change. Party B shall repair and change the spare parts which have any concealed defects but failed to be found through reasonable check and tests, and reliable for any faults caused due to any defects in design, making, safety, even if such Period is expired.

7.4 Within such Period, the maintenance service provide by Party B free of charge shall include
1) Twice periodical maintenance every year in not-busy time.
2) Emergency service for 24 hours, without any additional charge beyond legal wording days and normal working time.

Upon receipt of any fault notice, maintenance personnel shall reach the working site within 2 hours. Normal spare parts shall be changed within 7 hours, and larger size spare parts 12 hours, after Party B receives the above notice from Party A. The Recover Time shall commence from the time of the receipt of such fault notice by Party B. The fault notice shall be valid by telephone or other methods in written.

7.5 Within the agreed time period hereof after the receipt of any notice by Part B, in case of any failure to make up any damages by Part B, Party A may take any measures necessary to make up with the related fees and costs born by Party B. Any such measures shall in no case prejudice any rights of Party A agreed herein.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-11-07
Party b shall guarantee that the goods is in accord with national and the industry standard of the finest materials with first class workmanship and brand new, unused, and in all aspects fully comply with this agreement and the quality, specification and performance and the requested function of this agreement, party b and ensure the correct installation and order of normal use and maintenance of situations in the following
7.3 paragraph of the quality guarantee period is in good working order. The goods within the quality guarantee period, party b due to design, process or material flaws and happen any deficiency or malfunction responsible.
According to quality inspection results of bronze, if the goods in the quality guarantee period of the quantity, quality, specifications, configuration and safety to confidentiality and agreement with discrepancies, or verified goods, is defective, including internal defects or materials not