




5:未经乙方同意,在本合同签署生效之后甲方无正当合法理由擅自终止或解除本合同, 除乙方有权收回已交付甲方之产品货物外,甲方同意另支付本合同总价款金额的90%的相关损失费用给乙方;



If Party B’s Products fail to meet the standard and requirements provided in this Contract during the Inspection and Acceptance undertaking by Party A, Party A shall, while keeping such products in secure and good condition, notify Party B its objection in written within 7 days of receipt of Party B’s Products. If Party A fails to notify Party B its objection on such products in written prior to the expiration of the above time limit, all products delivered by Party B shall be deemed eligible and qualified under this Contract and subsequently Party A shall have no reason to withhold the payment of Party B’s Products.

Party A shall have no claim on quality decline or damage of Party B’s products if such decline or damage is caused by Party A’s inappropriate using, keeping and maintenance of the products and all damages, maintenance and replacement costs arising from the said inappropriate acts of Party A shall be at its own expense.

Party B shall deal with Party A’s written objection within 7 days upon its receipt and failure to meet such time limit by Party B shall be deemed as Party B’s acquiescence of Party A’s objection and disposal suggestion.

If Party A fails to clean the payment within the time limit agreed upon without any justified reasons, both interest on and liquidated damages of the total overdue value shall be chargeable at one per mille (1‰) per day from the date on which the payment is overdue until repayment in full and such interest and damages shall be paid by Party A along with current account payable.

If this Contract is terminated or dissolved by Party A after it has come into force upon signature without any justified and legitimate reasons and the approval from Party B, without prejudice to the right of Party B to retrieve all the products delivered to Party A, Party A shall agree to indemnify Party B for its losses in the amount of 90% of the total value of this Contract.

If Party A refuses to accept the products or fails to receive the products at agreed time, it shall take the risk of its being damaged or lost and bear all-expense, such as storage cost, arising from its refusal or failure and shall pay Party B in the amount of 90% of the total value of this Contract as default fine.
第1个回答  2009-09-02
1. Party acceptance, if B products found in the goods does not comply with the contract, the products should also keep the goods within 7 days to submit written objections to B, such as the Party fails to submit a written objection to the prescribed time limit, then the B presented as a product of goods comply with the contract, Party A shall pay Party B any other reason to refuse payment products.

2. A result of improper use of Party A man operation, custody, maintenance deficiencies and so lead to lower quality goods, products or product damage, the Party shall not be raised objections to the quality of the resulting economic loss and maintenance, replacement costs and expenses borne by the Party itself.

3: Party A Party B receives a written objection, it should be within 7 days to deal with overdue as the default Party raised objections and handling advice.

4. Party if it is not without good reason at this time to pay the contract sum paid to Party B should bear the overdue payment per day 1 / 1000 and bear interest on overdue payment per day 1 / 1000 of the breach of contract payments, Party must be added to pay current accounts payable;

5: B without the consent of the Party after the commencement of this contract was signed without proper legal reason to terminate or cancel this contract without authorization, in addition to Party B the right to withdraw the products have been delivered the goods, the Party agreed to further cover the total contract 90% of the purchase price the amount of impairment charges related to the B;

Party without just cause refused to accept the cargo, or late pick-up, the Party shall bear the damaged goods, products, risk of loss and the resulting custody fees and all costs, and pay Party B the 90% of the total contract price of the liquidated damages ;
第2个回答  2009-09-02
1、where party a,when checking before acceptace, finds that party b's products and goods do not comply with the provisions stipulated hereof, shall safekeep the products and goods, and propose written objections to party b;where party a failes to do that within the stipulated time limite,the products and goods that party b offered shall be deemed comforming to the provisions hereof and party a may not,based on otherexcuses, refuse to pay party b for the products and goods. 太长了,明天再译吧
第3个回答  2014-12-01
第4个回答  2019-10-29