
There are all sorts of pressures in modern life we have to confront with, like economic pressure, emotional stress , physical pressure and so on. Sometimes we ask ourselves why we exist in the word, maybe for our parents or our children

confront (with) =面对 ; bear=承受;负担.pressure=压力; the stresses of modern life = 现代生活的压力.
修正建议: "There are all sorts of stresses of modern life that we have to bear, such as economic, emotional, physical and other stresses. This hardship 困苦 sometimes makes us wonder as to why we exist in this world. May be it is for our parents, and/or our children."
第1个回答  2013-07-19
There are all sorts of/many pressures in modern life we have to confront/cope with, like economic pressure, emotional stress , physical pressure and so on. Sometimes we ask ourselves why we exist in the world, maybe for our parents or our children.
第2个回答  2013-07-19
第3个回答  2013-07-19
in the world..打错了吧 别的都可以