
在美国求学生涯是非常艰苦的,尤其是,三十岁了还在读书,又拖着两个顽童。哈佛附近的房租奇贵无比,能租到一房一厅已经是相当不错了,房当然是被两个宝贝女儿占了,患难夫妻只好在厅里摆了一张沙发床,每天搬上搬下,厨房是在厅里的,我们这张床其实就在炉子边上,感觉好像是住在厨房里的老佣人。 先生的博士论文,就是在厨房里的沙发床上想出来的,每到夜深人静,他就躺在沙发床上,半醒半睡地想公式。我从来没弄清他到底是醒着还是睡着了,不敢开灯,想在饭桌上写文章就办不到了。

Study abroad is so hard , most of all , it's almost thirty years old and study yet with two children . The rent of house is extremely high , it's very good to lease the house 1/1 , of course , two daughters hold the house , the troubled couple can only set a sofa in the dinningroom , and move on to move under , the kitchen is in dinningroom , our bed is by side of the oven in fact , they seem to be the old servants . The husband's doctoral dissertation is writen on sofa in the kitchen , every night when all is still , he designs the formula with half asleep on sofa . I have never make it clear whether he is awake or asleep , I dare not to turn on the light , and I can't write the essey on dinner desk .追问

