
A 3-D (three-dimensional) film or S3D (stereoscopic 3D) film[1] is a motion picture that enhances the illusion of depth perception. Derived from stereoscopic photography, a special motion picture camera system is used to record the images as seen from two perspectives (or computer-generated imagery generates the two perspectives in post-production), and special projection hardware and/or eyewear are used to provide the illusion of depth when viewing the film. 3-D films are not limited to feature film theatrical releases; television broadcasts and direct-to-video films have also incorporated similar methods, primarily for marketing purposes.

A 3-D (three-dimensional) film or S3D (stereoscopic 3D) film[1] is a motion picture that enhances the illusion of depth perception. 3D(三维立体)影片,又名S3D(立体三维)影片,指一种能增加感知度从而使人产生错觉的电影。
Derived from stereoscopic photography, a special motion picture camera system is used to record the images as seen from two perspectives (or computer-generated imagery generates the two perspectives in post-production), and special projection hardware and/or eyewear are used to provide the illusion of depth when viewing the film.它源自于立体摄影这一特殊的电影拍摄系统。这一系统是用来记录看到的平面图像(或在后期用计算机做出来的平面图)的。它的特殊投影硬件和/或眼镜在看电影时可使人产生深层的幻觉。
3-D films are not limited to feature film theatrical releases; television broadcasts and direct-to-video films have also incorporated similar methods, primarily for marketing purposes.三维片不仅限于电影放映,电视节目和能接到视频的节目也可以用类似的材料,主要用于推广活动中。
第1个回答  2011-03-22
第2个回答  2011-03-22
that enhances the illusion of depth perception 提高感知深度而产生幻觉的动画

as seen from two perspectives 从两个角度看见的图像
in post-production 后期制作 computer-generated imagery generates电脑图像生成器(这是专业词汇,具体的请参照专业辞典)
not limited to feature film theatrical releases 不局限于电影剧场版本
incorporated similar methods 也使用类似技术方法
primarily for marketing purposes 主要为了迎合市场需求 (后置状语)
第3个回答  2011-03-22

