
Im happy I make you feel good, you make me feel joyous just by knowing you. Not many guys would learn an entirely different language just for them and so that makes me feel extreemly happy ^-^.
Lol you would be my slave? I like kinky stuff like that sooo lol who knows it might happen HAHA
You are not a fool, I do have to say you have a nice imagination ^-^ I do to, I imagine the first time we will meet eachother. I imagine being nervous but happy at the same time
Yeah skype is cheaper and you are able to camera phone people but that all depends on the phone you have lol. With my phone I would not be able to do the camera part but the messaging it would.
^-^ You are a very special person to me, Like you I have shown pictures of you to my friends and talk about you often. My friends tell me, "wow he is very handsom" and "Im going to steal him from you Rachel" HAHA I wouldnt let them. You would only be mine ^-^
I feel Im not worthy of such and nice guy and Im suprised an asian man would actually like me, I dont know why lol. But Im happy you do. You make me feel special.
Personally what I know of you is perfect. Your height doesnt matter to me, Im shorter than you anyways lol. You definately do not look like a child, you look like a handsome young man. Dont compare yourself with my ex boyfriends ^-^ just so you know Ive only seriously dated two guys, one was small just like you and I had no problem with it.
Sadly I feel that if we were to meet, you wouldnt like me. I feel that if you were to see me you would act like you didnt know me...Im not like chinese women who are very skinny, I have pale skin and to be honest I dont think Im pretty at all. I feel that if you were to meet me you would hate my personality or that I would scare you away. Because of these fears Im nervous and scared that you would reject me.
You say that american men and chinese men are different in certain aspects, not to embarass you but do you mean penis size?
I know I dont know much about China but what I do know is that people can visit America for not alot of money and there are things kinda like green cards known as a Visa. A Visa allows people to immigrate over to another country for a certain amount of years, while in that country that person can take a test in that country to become a legal imagrant (citizen) of that country, that is if they pass. It cost a lil bit of money but it wont cause you to go poor.
Im nervous about singing to you, I still dont know what I should sing to you.
1. Can you take a photo of yourself from the shoulders up for me and send it to me on here?
2. What is your full address (like house number, street name, city, zip code and so on)?

I feel like I have done nothing for you, you are learning English for me, you drew my photo, you sang me a song and you wrote and read to me a poem....I feel worthless, you're too kind of a guy and Im sitting here doing nothing for you back,


你不是个傻瓜,我不得不说你确实有不错的想象力 ^-^ ,我也是,我想像过我们第一次见面,我想像过既紧张又开心的气氛。的确用 skype 更便宜,然后你也更便于跟别人视频通话,但是这取决于你使用的手机。像我的手机,就不能用相机镜头,只能打字。

你对于我来说是个非常特别的人,像你一样,我也把照片给我的朋友们看,也时常提及你。我的朋友们说:“哇,他真帅”或是“Rachel,我要把他从你身边抢走哦”哈哈,才不允许她们这么做呢。你只是我一个人的^-^ (翻译者吐槽~好甜蜜呢~)



很郁闷的是我感觉如果我们真的见面,你可能会不喜欢我。我感觉如果你见到我你会表现得像是不认识我一样。。。我不像中国女人一样那么瘦,我有浅色(比较白)的皮肤,说实话我并不认为我长得好看。我感觉如果我们真的见面了你会讨厌我的性格。 由于这些不安和担忧,我很紧张,很害怕你会拒绝我




2.你的具体地址是什么(全)(比如 门牌号,楼号,街道名称,城市,邮政编码 等等)

