
呵,我的英语实在是不怎么好....所以..我跟你说英语的时候会有很多语法错误什么的。希望你不要介意。不过我希望你能教教我怎么去学英语。。 呵,你现在应该在读大学吧? 你门日本那里英语是必修课吗?。我好想去日本。

第1个回答  2007-07-29
My English is not good enough, so please don't mind if I should make some mistakes of grammer when I speak with you in English.
不过我希望你能教教我怎么去学英语。。 呵,你现在应该在读大学吧? 你门日本那里英语是必修课吗?。我好想去日本。
But I hope you can teach me the way of learning English.
You are a college student,aren't you? Is Japanese supposed to be the compulsory course there? I really want to travel in Japan.
第2个回答  2007-07-29
well,i am not good at english. so,I have a lot mistakes when i am talking.Don't mind if I do. I hope you could teach me how to learn english.well,you are now study in university,right? Is Japanese supposed to be the compulsory course there? I want to go to japan.
第3个回答  2007-07-29
Hey, my English is indeed not very good... hence... when I talk with you in English, you will find me making mistakes in grammar, etc. I hope you won't mind about that. However, I hope you can teach of how to learn English... Hey, you should be in university right now, right? Is English a compulsory subject at Japan? I really want to go to Japan.

第4个回答  2007-07-29
Hehe,Im working on my English,so there might be some grammar mistakes or sth like that when im talking to you.Hope you wont mind.but im wondering whether you could teach me how to learn English.
you are a college student,arent you?is english a compulsory course in Japan?id like to go to Japan actually
第5个回答  2007-07-29
My english is poor, so , there will be some grammar mistakes in my word to you. And I hope you can give some understanding on it. But I hope you can teach me how to learn english.
I guess you are college student. Is English a required course in Japan ? I am longing for traveling to Japan.