
Top Words to Remember
1.dream I’ve always dreamed of being a successful diplomat one day.
2.excellent I have a dream to become an excellent musician.
3.investor My wish is to be a successful investor.
4.capital The biggest problem I would encounter would be lack of capital.
5.encounter I know for certain I will encounter a lot of difficulties in process.

1. dream→think 我一直想成为一位知名的舞蹈家。
2. excellent→brilliant 我想在物理学方面取得巨大成就。
3. investor→athlete 我最大的愿望就是成为一名优秀的运动员。
4. capital→experience 我遇到的最大问题将是缺乏经验。
5. encounter→confront 我知道在成功的道路上会遇到很多困难需要你去克服。

1. I've always thought of being a famous dancer one day.
2. I have a dream to become a brilliant physician. = =个人不敢保证这句话肯定对...但是和例句的格式是一样的...这是说我想成为一个杰出的物理学家; 和给的中文意思勉强也差不多= =|我再想想...当然你要是觉得对采纳我的我不会介意的 >o<
3. My biggest wish is to be a good athlete.
4. The biggest problem I would encounter would be lack of experience.
5. I know for certain I will confront a lot of difficulties on the way to success.