
3.2.2Types of Sand Molds
Sand molds are characterized by the types of sand that comprise them and by the methods used to produce them. There are three basic types of sand molds: greensand, cold-box, and no-bake molds.
The most common mold material is green molding sand, which is a mixture of sand clay and water. The term“green”refers to the fact that the sand in the mold is moist or damp which the metal is being poured into it. Greensand molding is the least expensive method of making molds.
In the skin-dried method, the mold surfaces are dried, either by storing the mold in air or by drying it with torches. There molds are generally used for large casting because of their higher strength.
Sand molds are also oven dried (baked) prior to pouring the molten metal; they are stronger than greensand molds and impart better dimensional accuracy and surface finish to the casting. However, this method has drawbacks: distortion of the mold is greater; the castings are more susceptible to hot tearing because of the lower collapsibility of the mold; and the production rate is slower because of the drying time required.
In the clod-box mold process, various organic and inorganic binders are blended into the sand to band the grains chemically for greater strength. These molds are dimensionally more accurate than greensand molds but are more expensive.
In the no-bake mold process, a synthetic liquid resin is mixed with the sand; the mixture hardens at room temperature. Because bonding of the mold in this and in the cold-box process takes place without heat, they are called cold-setting processes.
The following are the major components of sand molds (Fig.3-2):
(1) The mold itself, which is supported by a flask. Two-piece molds consist of a cope on top and a drag on the bottom. The seam between them is the parting line. When more than two pieces are used, the additional parts are called cheeks.
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砂模依据组成砂的不同类型和生产的不同方法来分类。砂模有三种基本类型:湿型砂, 冷箱砂 和免烘烤砂模。
(1) 模具本身由铸模箱组成。两部分铸模箱分为上砂箱和下砂箱。两部分之间的接合处是分界线。当需要使用多于两部分时,添加的部分叫中砂箱。