

中国哲学特别重视和谐,强调“以和为贵”。春秋时期的史伯说“和实生物”,“以他平他谓之和”。所谓“和”是创新的源泉,指多样性的统一。孔子说:“ 君子和而不同。”孟子说:“天时不如地利,地利不如人和。”人和指人与人的团结合作。“和”是人际关系的一个重要准则。人与人之间,国与国之间,人类与自然之间经常相互矛盾斗争,但是,如果只强调斗争,最后将同归于尽。西方也不是不讲“和”,但更强调“争”,把利益和力量之争看得很重要。而现在的世界更需要“和”,而不是“争”,如果再继续相互残杀,那么人类就没希望了。“和”是持续发展的准则。

The Chinese culture has two basic spirits, has the high theory value; first, “humanist”; first, “peaces is precious”. was humanist” has also manifested the personality value thought. Kong Zi said that “nature of the world artificial expensive”, emphasizes “the human”; "Ritual Transports" said that “the human, heart of the world also”, thought the human was the world thought organ, the human has displayed the world self-understanding; “The reason that Mencius discriminates the human to be at variance with the animal”, emphasized “good expensive” idea, namely the human has the moral aware heart. Some people did not understand regarding this that said that China was since old times “the heteronomy”, obeys in the external pressure, the control, said that the Western culture is “the autonomy”. In fact Confucianism says is the human “the autonomy”. Kong Zi said: “is the kernel as one pleases, but by human!”These viewpoints emphasized person's value, person's in universe status, may say in a sense is “humanist”, compares with the theism, has the high theory value. the China philosophy takes the harmony specially, stressed that “peaces is precious”. Spring and Autumn Period time's Shi Bo said that “and the solid biology”, “puts down him by him to say the sum”. So-called “and” is the innovation fountainhead, refers to the multiple unifications. Kong Zi said: “the gentleman is friendly but not at the expense of principles.”Mencius said: “the weather is inferior to benefit, the advantage is inferior to the person sum.”The human and refers to the person and person's unity cooperation. “with” is an interpersonal relationship important criterion. Between the human and the human, between the country and the country, between the humanity and the nature struggles contradictory mutually frequently, but, if only emphasizes the struggle, finally will perish together. The west is not does not say “and”, but stressed that “the struggle”, looks at very much the benefit and the strength struggle of importantly. But present's world needs “and”, but is not “the struggle”, if continues to massacre mutually again, then the humanity has not hoped. “with” is the sustained development criterion. 【原文】

孟子曰:“天时不如地利,地利不如人和①。三里之城,七里 之郭②,环而攻之而不胜。夫环而攻之,必有得天时者矣;然而不 胜者,是天时不如地利也。城非不高也,池③非不深也,兵革(4)非 不坚利也,米粟非不多也;委⑤而去之,是地利不如人和也。故曰: 域(6)民不以封疆之界,固国不以山溪(7)之险,威天下不以兵革之利。 得道者多助,失道者寡助。寡助之至,亲戚畔(8)之;多助之至,天 下顺之。以天下之所顺,攻亲戚之所畔;故君子有(9)不战,战必胜 矣。”


①天时、地利、人和:《苟子·王霸篇》说:“农夫朴力而寡能,则上不 失天时,下不失地利,中得人和而百事不废。”苟子所指的“天时”指农时, “地利”指土壤肥沃,“人和”是指人的分工。而孟子在这里所说的“天时”则 指尖兵作战的时机、气候等;“地利”是指山川险要,城池坚固等;“人和”则 指人心所向,内部团结等。②三里之城,七里之郭:内城叫“城”,外城 叫“郭”。内外城比例一般是三里之城,七里之郭。③池:即护城河。 ④兵:武器,指戈矛刀箭等攻击性武器。革:皮革,指甲胄。古代甲胄确 皮革做的,也有用铜铁做的。(5)委:弃。(6)域民:限制人民。域, 界限.(8)畔:同“叛”。(9)有:或,要么。


孟子说:“有利的时机和气候不如有利的地势,有利的地势不 如人的齐心协力。一个三里内城墙、七里外城墙的小城,四面围 攻都不能够攻破。既然四面围攻,总有遇到好时机或好天气的时 候,但还是攻不破,这说明有利的时机和气候不如有利的地势。另 一种情况是,城墙不是不高,护城河不是不深,兵器和甲胄不是 极利和坚固,粮草也不是不充足,但还是弃城而逃了,这就说 明有利的地势不如人的齐心协力。所以说:老百姓不是靠封锁边 境线就可以限制住的,国家不是靠山川险阻就可以保住的,扬威 天下也不是靠锐利的兵器就可以做到的。拥有道义的人得到的帮 助就多,失去道义的人得到的帮助就少。帮助的人少到极点时,连 亲戚也会叛离;帮助的人多到极点时,全人下的人都会顺从。以 全天下人都顺从的力量去攻打连亲戚都会叛离的人,必然是不战 则已,战无不胜的了。”


天、地、人三者的关系问题古往今来都是人们所关注的。三 者到底谁最重要也就成了人们议论的话题。如我们在注释中所引, 荀子曾经从农业生产的角度论述过天时、地利、人和的问题。但 他并没有区分谁重要谁不重要,而是三者并重,缺一不可。
孟子在这里则主要是从军事方面来分析论述天时、地利、人 和之间关系的,而且是观点鲜明:“天时不如地利,地利不如人和。” 三者之中,“人和”是最重要的,起决定作用的因素,“地利”次 之,“天时”又次之。这是与他重视人的主观能动性的一贯思想分 军开的,同时,也是与他论述天时、地利、人和关系的目的分不 开的,同时,也是与他论述天时、地利、人和关系的目的分不 开的。正是从强调“人和”的重要性出发,他得出了“得道者多 助,失道者寡助”的结论。这就把问题从军事引向了政治,实际 上又回到了他那“老生常谈”的“仁政”话题。
按照孟子的看法,老百姓不是靠封锁边境线就可以限制住的, 国家也不是靠山川就可以险阻就可以保住的,所以,闭关锁国是没有出 路的。要改革,要开放,要提高自己的国力,让老百姓安居炙业。 只要做到了这一点,就会“得道者多助”,多助到了极点,全天下 的老百姓都会顺从归服。那就必然会出现孔子所说的那种情况 ——“则四方之民襁负其子而至矣。”(《论语·子路》各国人士 都来申请留学,申请经商,甚至携带妻子儿女前来申请移民定居 哪里还用得着“封疆之界”呢?只怕是赶也赶不走啊。
“得道者多助,失道者寡助”就这样成了名言,以至于我们为 现在还常常用它来评价国际关系,谴责霸权主义者。 当然,“天时不如地利,地利不如人和”也同样是名言,而且, 还更为广泛地应用于商业竞争、体育比赛尤其是足球比赛的狂热 之中。这充分说明它所蕴含的哲理是丰富、深刻而具广阔的延展 性的。
所谓“人心齐,泰山移。”谁说“人和”不是最最重要的财 呢?
第1个回答  2009-04-13
Chinese culture, there are two basic spirit, with a high degree of theoretical value, first, "people-oriented" First, "Harmony is precious."
People-oriented "value also reflects the thinking of personality. Confucius said," your man-made heaven and earth of the "stressed" person ";" Li Yun "said" people who are the heart of heaven and earth ", that is the world thinking organ, the performance of the world self-awareness; Mencius Analysis "people are different from those animals," stressed the importance of "good your" idea that one has a moral conscious mind. It was this lack of understanding is that China since ancient times, "he law," subject to external pressure control, said that Western culture is "self-discipline." Confucius say a matter of fact is the "self-discipline." Confucius said: "To Hui from others, and by the people Talking! "These views have stressed the importance of human values, people's status in the universe, in a sense can be said to be" people-oriented ", and theism, it has a higher theoretical value.

Special emphasis on harmony in Chinese philosophy, emphasizing "Harmony is precious." Douglas said the Spring and Autumn Period "and is biological," "to his flat and he called." The so-called "and" Innovation is the source of that unity in diversity. Confucius said: "When a man and different." Mencius said: "The day as location, terrain and better." And refers to the unity and cooperation among people. "And" is an important criteria for interpersonal relationships. Between people, between nations, between man and nature struggle often contradictory, but, if only to emphasize the struggle, and finally will die. The West is not no "and", but stressed that "fight" to the interests and power can see that very important battle. Now the world needs "and" rather than "fight", if not continue to kill each other, then there is no hope for humanity. "And" sustainable development criteria.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-03-29
The Chinese culture has two basic spirits, has the high theory value; first, “humanist”; first, “peaces is precious”. was humanist” has also manifested the personality value thought. Kong Zi said that “nature of the world artificial expensive”, emphasizes “the human”; "Ritual Transports" said that “the human, heart of the world also”, thought the human was the world thought organ, the human has displayed the world self-understanding; “The reason that Mencius discriminates the human to be at variance with the animal”, emphasized “good expensive” idea, namely the human has the moral aware heart. Some people did not understand regarding this that said that China was since old times “the heteronomy”, obeys in the external pressure, the control, said that the Western culture is “the autonomy”. In fact Confucianism says is the human “the autonomy”. Kong Zi said: “is the kernel as one pleases, but by human!”These viewpoints emphasized person's value, person's in universe status, may say in a sense is “humanist”, compares with the theism, has the high theory value. the China philosophy takes the harmony specially, stressed that “peaces is precious”. Spring and Autumn Period time's Shi Bo said that “and the solid biology”, “puts down him by him to say the sum”. So-called “and” is the innovation fountainhead, refers to the multiple unifications. Kong Zi said: “the gentleman is friendly but not at the expense of principles.”Mencius said: “the weather is inferior to benefit, the advantage is inferior to the person sum.”The human and refers to the person and person's unity cooperation. “with” is an interpersonal relationship important criterion. Between the human and the human, between the country and the country, between the humanity and the nature struggles contradictory mutually frequently, but, if only emphasizes the struggle, finally will perish together. The west is not does not say “and”, but stressed that “the struggle”, looks at very much the benefit and the strength struggle of importantly. But present's world needs “and”, but is not “the struggle”, if continues to massacre mutually again, then the humanity has not hoped. “with” is the sustained development criterion.
第3个回答  2009-03-30

The Chinese culture has two basic spirits which have high theory value. First, "humanist", the other, "peaces is precious". "humanist" has also manifest the personality value thought. Confucius once said that “human is valned in the nature of heaven and earth”, emphasizes “the human”. "Book of Rites" records that “human is the heart of the world”, believe that the human was the world thinking organ, and the human has displayed the self-understanding of heaven and earth. Mencius explained "the reason that human to be at variance with the animal" by emphasizing the "conscience" idea, namely the human has the moral awareness. Some people do not understand this and said that China was "the heteronomy" since the old times , obeys all the external pressure and the control; Meanwhile the Western culture is "the autonomy". In fact, both Confucius and Mencius are all talking about "the autonomy". Confucius said:"the willing of do the righteousness comes out of yourself , not other people!" These viewpoints all emphasize the value of human being and the importance of the human in universe status, in certain point, it has the higher theory value just like "humanist" compared with the theism.

China philosophy takes the harmony specially, stressed that "peace is precious". Spring and Autumn Period time's Shi Bo said that "peace create the solid biology", "put all the things together and make a balance and peace". So-called “peace” is the innovation fountainhead, refers to the multiple unifications. Confucius said:"the gentleman pursue the peace but not easily agree with each other.”Mencius said:"the good-time is inferior to benefit, the advantage is inferior to the human peace." The human peace refers to the person and person's unity cooperation. "Peace" is an important interpersonal relationship criterion. There always are conflicts within the human and the countries, and also between the humanity and the nature frequently. However, we will perish together eventually if we only emphasize the struggle. The west do value "peace", but they deem "the struggle" more important, and value the benefit and the struggle of the strength. But the world prefers "peace" nowdays than "the struggle", we will become hopeless if we continue to massacre mutually again. "Peace" is the sustained development criterion.
第4个回答  2009-03-30
"These people have emphasized the opinion of the value of people's position in the universe, in a sense can be said to be" people-oriented ", and theism, it has a higher theoretical value. Special attention to Chinese philosophy and harmony, and emphasis" to and for You. "Douglas said of the Spring and Autumn Period" and the real biology "and" ping him and called him. "The so-called" and "are a source of innovation, saying that unity in diversity. Confucius said:" Gentlemen and different. "Mencius said:" The day as location, terrain and better. "And refers to the unity and cooperation among people.

Confucius said, "You people of Heaven and Earth" and emphasized that "people"; "Li Yun" said "people who are the heart of heaven and earth," heaven and earth are people thinking that the organ, showing the person's self-understanding of heaven and earth; Mencius analysis "of the people so different from the beasts "and emphasize the" You-liang, "the notion that people have moral conscious mind. This someone does not understand that the ancient Chinese, "he law," subject to external pressure, control, saying that Western culture is "self-discipline." Confucius is actually talking about people's "self-discipline." Confucius said: "To Hui from others, and by the people Talking!

Now the world needs "and" rather than "fight", if not continue to kill each other, then there is no hope for humanity. "And" are the criteria for sustainable development.

"And" Interpersonal relations are an important criteria. Between people, between nations, between man and nature often contradictory struggle, but if only to emphasize the struggle, and finally will die. The West is not no "and", but stressed that "fight" and put the power struggle between the interests and look very important.

Chinese culture has both the basic spirit, with a high degree of theoretical value, first, "people-oriented" First, "Harmony is precious." People-oriented "value also reflects the idea of personality.