
新年到了, 家家户户都会蒸团子。
  奶奶先 里舀了几碗米粉放到盆里,接着用水把米粉和均匀。这可是个很费力的活,奶奶弄得满手都沾满了米粉。她一边和,一边还要往里面添米粉或者水。终于,一大块软软的米粉团准备好了。接下来就要开始包团子了,奶奶示范给我看。只见她从大米粉团上揪下一小块,用双手搓成一个圆溜溜的球,再把左手的大拇指压在圆球中心,把面团放在手心里不停地转动,做成一个小碗。她用勺子舀了一勺菜馅放进去。说到菜馅,这就要看个人的喜好了,做什么馅都行,而奶奶家总是用青菜和精肉做馅的,这可是我最爱的菜肉馅哦。最后把捏出的小口慢慢合拢,搓成一个圆球。我学着奶奶的样子搓好了圆球,再捏成扁扁的小碗,舀了一勺菜馅放进去。奶奶看见了,说我放的菜馅太多了。我减掉了一点菜馅,再把小碗的口慢慢收拢。好不容易捏好了口,看吧,歪歪扭扭的,外面沾了好多菜,像个大花脸,一点都没有奶奶做得好看。不过,我自己做的第一个团子还是得到了奶奶的夸奖。

The new year come,every family will steame buns.
Grandma first scoop bowls of rice into the bowl, followed by rice flour and water evenly. This is a very laborious living grandmother made a full hand covered with rice flour. Her side and that side also entered tim rice flour or water. Finally, a large piece of soft rice noodles group ready. To begin next package dumpling, grandmother demonstration to me. I saw her pulling from rice flour group on the next piece, knead into a round ball with both hands, then left thumb pressure on the ball center, the dough kept turning on the palm of her hand, made a small bowl. She scooped up a spoon vegetable stuffing into them. Speaking of vegetable stuffing That depends on personal preference, what filling line, granny always do with vegetables and meat filling, this is my favorite dish meat Oh. Finally, to fashion a small mouth slowly together and knead into a ball. I learned a grandmother like rubbing the ball, then shape into is flat bowl, fetched a spoon vegetable stuffing into them. The grandmother saw, said I put too much vegetable stuffing. I lost a little vegetable stuffing, then a small bowl of mouth slowly collapsed. Finally pinched mouth and see, crooked, outside dip a lot of vegetables, like a big painted face, are not Grandma well see. However, I do dumpling or Grandma praise.
Make the dumplings into the steamer.
Steamer rack to the pot, cover the lid, began steaming friends. I looked on helplessly, like a dumpling one go to get out. Constantly emitting water vapor, flavor began to diffuse out. To smell a Unit fragrance, I felt as if the mouth every taste bud in the secretion of saliva. Ah, what can be steamed ah?
Finally pan it! Lid opened, first emits heat, look attractive dumpling, made me salivate!
Grandma just this disc dumpling on the table and we all ran over, picked up the chopsticks, can not wait to pick up the dumpling on his bowl. I also quickly clip a small piece of bamboo leaves on a chubby white dumpling. I restrain their eager mood, straining sniffed. I could bear, gently bite rind, so delicious. Bite filling, good fresh ah! I can not help but appetites breath ate four dumpling, hit a hiccup. And so we all had enough, and left some dumpling. I looked at the rest of the dumpling, always felt something more to say, rub his belly, and know that they really can not eat.

第1个回答  2013-02-06
The New Year is coming, every family can steamed dumplings. Grandma in the first dished out bowls of rice flour in a bowl, then washed the rice flour and uniform. This is a very arduous work, grandma got hands are just too rice noodles. While she was and, at the same time also to add rice noodles or in water. Finally, a large soft dumpling, ready. Then began to BaoTuanZi, grandma show me. See her from rice glutinous rice dough on a small piece of the catch, use both hands to rub into a YuanLiuLiu ball, and then the left thumb pressure in the ball center, put the dough in the hand heart keep turning, into a small bowl. She used the spoon scoop a spoon CaiXian put in. Say to CaiXian, this is about to see individual be fond of, what to do with anything, and grandma's always use green vegetables and essence to make stuffing, this is my favorite food meat oh. Finally the pinch out of the tiny mouth slowly fold, rub into a ball. I learn to grandma's appearance rub good ball, then knead into flat and small bowl, scoop a spoon CaiXian put in. Grandma saw, say I put CaiXian too much. I lost a little CaiXian, again small bowl mouth slowly collapsed. Very not easy pinch good mouth, look, crooked, outside with a lot of food, like a hut, did not grandma do good. But, I did the first gnocchi was grandma's praise. Good gnocchi in the steamer. The steamer rack to pan, cover the lid, began to steam it. I eagerly looked at, like gnocchi entered cannot get out. With water vapor appear ceaselessly, fragrance also began to fill out. Smelling the puffs of fragrance, I felt as if his mouth every taste bud in the saliva secretion. Oh, when it's time to cooking? Finally out of the pot! A pot cover open, first emitted a cloud of hot gas, and then see the inviting gnocchi, let my mouth water! Grandma just put the tray gnocchi on the table, all of everyone to run to come over, picked up the chopsticks, can't wait to pick up gnocchi in his bowl. I have to clip a, a small piece of Ruo leaf is a fat BaiTuanZi. I suppress his raring mood, hard smells. I couldn't stand anymore, gently bite skin, so delicious. Take another bite stuffing, good fresh! I can't help but appetite is big, breathe eat 4 gnocchi, playing a hic. When we were all filled, still have some left gnocchi. I look at the rest of the gnocchi, total feel boundless, but touching his belly, I know I couldn't eat another bite.