

  残烛半照金翡翠的被褥,朦朦胧胧;麝香熏透芙蓉似的纱帐,软软轻轻。当年的刘郎,早已怨恨那蓬山遥远;你去的所在,要比蓬山更隔万重岭! 赏析:这是一首艳情诗。诗中女主人思念远别的情郎,有好景不常在之恨。首联写有约不来的怨思,上句说负约,下句写梦见醒来已经天明。颔联写远别,上句写远别思念成梦,下句写醒后寄书。颈联写往昔爱情生活成了幻梦,上句写褥衾可见,下句写香帐可闻。末联写其人已远,情虽深挚,也不得不恨。
第1个回答  2017-06-14
You said we are empty, even disappeared; wake up upstairs oblique aerial, hear Xiao Zhong Chuming. The dream is not far from injury to cry, both wake up call; ink is not strong, writing a letter.
A candle as half gold jade bedding, hazy; musk smoked like lotus through soft gauze, gently. When Liu Lang, already hate you to the distant mountains that Peng; where, to bipoun mountain across the Zhongling million! Appreciation: This is an erotic poem. In the poem the hostess Miss far other lover, is not every day is Sunday hate in. The first to write about not to come the grievances, "said a sentence, write dream wake up the dawn. Don't write jaw joint sentence written on far away, don't miss a dream, wake up the next sentence writing book. Write the past love life into the neck joint dreams, sentence written on mattress quilt visible, the next sentence can smell fragrance. Joint written at the end of their far, although deep feeling, also have to hate.
Lee's erotic poems, at the life of raw materials, refined HUAWEI up feelings of Yulu, make it beyond the obscene vulgar flavor, perfect. However, Li Li's poems are rather abstruse and difficult to understand.
2013-07-12 10:40 Li Shangyin is to "Untitled" words to words is to trace is a trace, oblique dawn clock upstairs. The dream is far away, do not cry difficult to call, the book has been pressed into the ink is not thick. As wax half cage gold jade, musk smoked micro embroidered lotus. Liu Lang has hated Peng Shan far, and more than Peng Shan, ten thousand heavy! From the analysis of "Three Hundred Tang poems translation of translation" [] are you say on schedule again have become empty words, in the end is gone without leaving no trace. The oblique to the building window, the bell has sounded the night outside. Dream in the distance, because I am far away, I am sad, crying difficult to wake up, love letters are urged by the dream, and impatient even ink can not wait to study. Dim candlelight, shrouded in Golden Jade like brocade quilt, hazy smoke floating around; musk, gently floated embroidered with hibiscus curtains, a scene from I remember the past and infinite injury. The amorous Liu Lang has hate Pengshan too far, but the barrier between you and me Oh, Binapeng mountain farther on the ten thousand. [notes] [gold jade] with gold thread embroidered Jade Bird pattern Kam quilt. Abstract: the cigarette smoked musk deer. Abstract: Hibiscus hibiscus flowers embroidered draperies. "Liu Lang by Liu Chenruan Zhao fairy woman. "Recorded": "Han Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao, a total of two women in Tiantai Mountain, the stream, the Bei Dynasty Miaojue, and left half back. "One refers to Han, Wu Di, Liu Cheqiu, immortal attempted. [comment] these two poems are "Untitled four song" in the first two. Third is the first five, the first fourth are showed. For this group of poems, Qing He Zhuo said: "this is certainly very amorous. "(read the book of righteousness) volume fifty-seven), the first poem to write lyric, the hero of the distant lovers, the eternal love. As to the identity of the protagonist, later generations understand differently, or think of as an author, or as a woman. The author believes that when the latter. "Dream" is not far from the lyric text as a clue, the conception of bone. The first written after wake up there. "To show that" hollow lovers will come to the future. Because of this, spoony talent waited all night, almost overnight. Sleepy and dream, and wake for the "dawn" clock. But no one to see absolutely empty, and only a hint of the slanting moon light shine Pavilion, can not help but feel lonely, boring, blind emptiness and despair, this was a deep sigh: oh! "No trace" words to come ah! Back up after the scene and the jaw joint act of dream. People differ in their understanding of the above sentence. I think that should be understood as in a dream to far away and moaning, and difficult to wake up, "" don't express great pain far to the soul by the protagonist "don't fear visible far" to what extent. The dream is not so realistic, more devastating? Therefore, wake up after the first impulse is to write to each other speak your truth. The impatient feeling cut, not concentrated research began to brush ink. This kind of detail describes the hero's infatuation, conforms to the hero's mood at that time, and has a real sense of life. In view of the neck joint write room, rendering the atmosphere, has a certain symbolic and suggestive, echoing the first sentence of waiting. Have been paved, candlelight is still bright, embroidered account has smoked, but lovers future, why love? Describe the tail stock barrier away deep, meet hopeless regrets. The theme of "love barrier" is pointed out in the context of Liu wen. In the end, to advance the first layer is to say that the barrier between yourself and the lover is farther and farther. Is there any possibility of meeting each other? The first six words repeated rendering of Acacia not far, I hate writing on the Tianya barrier, poetry produced a stunning artistic power. As for the lyric clues and the structure of this poem, Yu analyzed it briefly, and recorded the following words: "the first one to write an agreement but not to come.". The first sentence is a sentence said opening, two is to write till dawn. The sentence is not long jaw joint dream, wake up the next sentence book, was written on the neck joint lamp still visible, it is couplet fragrance smell. If no people do not come, are worthy of writing, is the scene moved. The end of the joint hate, love is deep, by far, to hate. "(" Three Hundred Tang Poems "detailedanalysis)" poetry appreciation dictionary "Liu Xuekai on" Untitled four ", including seven two, five, each showed a song. The article is mixed genre, between the contents also do not see a clear link, it seems is not necessarily the same as the unifying theme of poems. This first wrote to a man without distant horizon the loved woman's thoughts. "Dream is far away," the four word is an eye
第2个回答  2013-07-12
李商隐《无题》来是空言去是踪  来是空言去是踪,月斜楼上五更钟。梦为远别啼难唤,书被催成墨未浓。蜡照半笼金翡翠,麝熏微度绣芙蓉。刘郎已恨蓬山远,更隔蓬山一万重! 评析录自《唐诗三百首译评析》【译文】  分别时你说如期再来的话都成了空言,到头来是一去不返无影也无踪。月光斜射到楼窗上,外面已响起报晓的五更钟。梦境中因即将远别我竟悲伤啼哭得难以唤醒,情书是由梦境催促而成,心急得连墨都等不及研浓。烛光暗淡,笼罩著金翡翠般的锦衾,朦朦胧胧;麝香烟浮浮绕绕,轻轻飘进绣有芙蓉花的帷帐之中,此情此景更引我忆起往事而无限伤情。那位多情的刘郎已恨蓬山太远,可你我之间的阻隔呵,比那蓬山还要远上一万重。【注释】〔金翡翠〕用金丝线绣成翡翠鸟图案之锦被。〔麝熏〕指麝香烟。〔芙蓉〕绣有芙蓉花的帷帐。〔刘郎〕用刘晨阮肇遇仙女事。《幽明录》:「汉刘晨、阮肇,共入天台山,溪边有二女子,姿质妙绝,遂留半年而归。」一说指汉武帝刘彻求仙未遂。【评析】这两首诗是《无题四首》中的前两首。第三首是五律,第四首是七古。关於这组诗,清人何焯说得特别肯定:「此等只是艳诗。」(《义门读书记》卷五十七)  第一首诗写抒情,主人公对远隔天涯的恋人刻骨铭心的相思之情。关於主人公的身分,後人理解不同,或以为是作者,或以为是女子。笔者认为当是後者。「梦为远别」是全篇抒情线索,立意谋篇即以此为骨。  首联写梦醒後的怅恨。「来是空言」表明恋人会许诺前来而未来。正因如此,痴情人才彻夜等待,几乎通宵。困极而梦,又为「五更钟」所惊醒。但见空空如也,绝无人来,只有淡淡的斜月之光映照楼阁,不免感到无眼的寂寞、无聊、空虚和失望,这才发出一声长叹:唉!「来是空言去绝踪」啊!  颔联追溯梦之中情景和醒後的行为。对上句人们的理解有所不同。余以为当理解为在梦中因要远别而悲啼,且难以唤醒,抒写「远别」对心灵所造成的巨大伤痛,可见主人公怕「远别」到何等程度。梦境尚如此,现实不更令人肝肠寸断吗?因此,醒後的第一个冲动就是给对方写信倾述衷肠。由於心急情切,墨未研浓就开始挥毫。这种细节描写突出了主人公的痴情,符合当时主人公的心境,有生活实感,格外传神。  颈联写室中之景,渲染气氛,具有一定的象徵性和暗示性,呼应首句的等待。被己铺好,烛光尚明,绣帐己熏,唯独恋人未来,情何以堪?尾联抒写阻隔遥深、会合无望的怅恨。用刘晨之典,点明爱情阻隔的主题。末句推进一层,谓自己与恋人之阻隔更远更远,会合岂有可望?前六句反覆渲染远别相思之苦,後两句集中抒写天涯阻隔之恨,使全诗产生了撼人心魄的艺术力量。  关於本诗抒情线索及结构方式,喻守真分析得简而当,录下备参:「第一首写有约而不来的怨思。首句开口即说负约,二句是写痴待到天明。颔联上句是梦中远别,下句醒後寄书,颈联上句是写灯犹可见,对句是写香犹可闻。无如其人不来,都成孤负,是即景生情的写法。末联提出恨字,情虽深挚,其人已远,不得不恨。」(《唐诗三百首详析》) 《唐诗鉴赏辞典》刘学锴评析  《无题四首》,包括七律两首,五律、七古各一首。体裁既杂,各篇之间在内容上也看不出有明显的联系,似乎不一定是同时所作的有统一主题的组诗。  这首无题写一位男子对远隔天涯的所爱女子的思念。「梦为远别」四字是一篇眼目。全诗就是围绕著「梦」来抒写「远别」之情的。不过它没有按照远别——思念——入梦——梦醒的顺序来写,而是先从梦醒时的情景写起,然後再将梦中和梦後、实境与幻觉揉合在一起抒写,最後才点明蓬山重隔,归结到远别之恨。这样的构思,不只是为了避免艺术上的平直,而且是为了更好地突出爱情阻隔的主题。  首句说当初远别时对方曾有重来的期约,结果却徒为「空言」——一去之後便杳无踪影。这句淩空而起,似感突兀,下句宕开写景,更显得若即若离。这要和「梦」联系起来,才能领会它的韵味。经年远别,会合无缘,夜来入梦,忽得相见。一觉醒来,踪�杳然,但见朦胧的斜月空照楼阁,远处传来悠长而凄清的晓钟声。梦醒後的空寂更证实了梦境的虚幻,也更加强了「来是空言去绝踪」的感受。如果说第二句是梦醒後笼罩著一片空虚、孤寂、怅惘的氛围,那�7�4第一句就是处在这种氛围中的抒情主人公一声长长的叹息。  颔联出句追溯梦中情景。梦境往往是人们美好愿望的反映,远别的双方「枕上片时春梦中,行尽江南数千里」,得以越过万重蓬山的阻隔而相会;但梦境又毕竟离不开真实的现实,紧接著梦中短暂的欢聚而来的还是难堪的远别和不能自制的悲泣。这样的梦,正反映了远别所造成的深刻的心灵伤痛,也更强化了刻骨的相思。因此,梦醒之後不假思索而至的第一个冲动,就是给对方写信。强烈的思念驱使著抒情主人公奋笔疾书,倾诉积愫,好像连他自己也不知其所以然,处於一种不由自主的状态,这正是所谓「书被催成」心情急切,墨未磨浓就写起信来,这在日常生活中并不罕见,如果一般地说墨未浓而草成书信,也未见精彩。但「书被催成墨未浓」却是极真切传神的描写。在急切心情支配下写信的人当时是不会注意到「墨未浓」的,只是在「书被催成」之际,才会意外地发现这个事实。这样的细节描写,完全符合主人公当时的心境,很富生活实感。  梦醒书成之际,残烛的黯淡馀光半照著用金线绣成翡翠鸟图案的帷帐,芙蓉褥上似乎还依稀浮动著靡熏的幽香。颈联对室内环境气氛的描绘渲染,是实境与幻觉的交融,很富象徵暗示色彩。「金翡翠」、「绣芙蓉」本来就是往昔美好爱情生活的象徵,在朦胧的烛光照映下,更笼罩上了一层如梦似幻的色彩。刚刚消逝的梦境和眼前所见的室内景物融成一片,恍惚中几疑梦境是真实的存在,甚至还仿佛可以闻到飘散在被褥上的馀香——日夜思念的人此刻也许就近在咫尺吧?这自然只是一刹那间产生的幻觉。幻觉一经消失,随之而来的就是室空人杳的寂寥和怅惘,往事不可复寻的感慨,「金翡翠」、「绣芙蓉」也就成了离恨的触媒,索寞处境的反衬。  幻梦的彻底消失,使抒情主人公更清醒地意识到会合无缘的现实。末联用刘晨重入天台寻觅仙侣不遇的故事,点醒爱情间阻的主题。细味诗意,似是双方本就阻隔不通,会合良难,後来对方又复远去,会合的希望就更加渺茫了。这两句本来应该是全篇抒情的出发点,现在却成了它的归宿。这是因为,只有通过前六句对远别之恨和相思之苦的反复描绘渲染,後两句集中抒写的天涯阻隔之恨才具有回肠荡气的艺术力量。  末联所点出的情事,是可以成为�事诗的题材的;即使写成抒情诗,在别的诗人笔下,也可能含有较多�事成分。但在这裏:生活原料已经被提炼、升华到只剩下一杯浓郁的感情琼浆,一切具体情事都消溶得几乎不留痕�。拿李商隐这类纯粹抒情的爱情诗和元、白的�事成分很浓的爱情诗略作比较,就不难发现它们的显著区别。前者由於过分忽略必要的�事,可能比较费解,但就其「精纯」的程度而言,却远远超过了元、自那些绘形绘色却不免流於豔亵的爱情诗。 曹保平《中国古典诗词赏析�6�4古诗卷》赏析  这首诗写一位男子对远隔天涯所爱女子的思念。一二两句写情人的负约,主人公的痴情愁怨。三四两句梦中远别,梦後寄书,细描主人公的悲痛和思念之深。五六句写室内凄凉气氛和寂寞幽居的情状,末尾两句是深沈的慨叹与首句遥相呼应,深化了愁恨好景不常、良缘多阻之意,使全诗首尾衔接,浑然成为一体。本诗状物、抒情有机地结合,有力地衬托了主人公的思想感情。