
Some people think that writting mainly depends on their teachers will be a good choice
我觉得这个句子貌似不止一个动词啊 大家看看怎么改正才对?

有错误。that的从句里有两个谓语动词depend和be。特别提醒一下,此处两个谓语动词一定要有一个连词来连接,3个就一定要用2个连词。这句话中,只有一个连词,但出现了3个谓语动词,所以是错误的。Some people think that writting which mainly depends on their teachers will be a good choice。有了which这个连词就对了。还有writing不双写。这样改从语法上没有错,但是句意不流畅。
第1个回答  2011-06-15
这是一个宾语从句,Some people 作主语,that 后面是从句,depends on their teachers 修饰writing,所以depends on their teachers 应该改成depended ontheir teachers或者在writing后加which
第2个回答  2011-06-15
Some people think that writting mainly depends on their teachers,which will be a good choice.
第3个回答  2011-06-15
Some people think it is a good choice that writting mainly depends on their teachers
第4个回答  2011-06-16
同学,writing 是这么写的!不双写~written 才双写
Some people think it is a good choice that writing mainly depends on their teachers.
第5个回答  2011-06-20
Some people think that writing mainly depending on their teachers will be a good choice。

在这里用分词短语做writing 的定语。