

As the instrument that chinese people know, Chinese bamboo flute traced back to seven thousands years ago was found in Hemudu site in Zhe jiang province. There has been found many of instruments such as Bone Flute And Bone Pipe. Although Chinesse bamboo flute has a simple structure, it is expressive and delightful and played with many particular skills such as looping breath that is known as one of the unique breathing skills used in traditional Orchestral Music play. It requires players to use their proper lore and training method to let a tone or a piece of rhythm last for a period of time at will, in order to give audiences a deep impression that the player played without stop in one breath. Therefore, the questions that how the breathing skills developed and how players are trained properly in this technique are known as an unevadable problem. This essay will focus on the skill of looping breath, introducing its origin, theory, variety and training method etc. I hope people can understand more about the culture of Chinese bamboo flute and skills to play it. Hopefully more and more people would back up the development of the chinese bamboo flute.

修改了一下你中文不合理的地方,比如说追溯一般说时间不说地点。 所以我给你改成了追溯到7000年前,在浙江河姆渡被发现。还有最后一句了解竹笛就包含了了解换气技巧,所以我给你改成了了解竹笛文化和换气技巧
第1个回答  2010-05-06
第2个回答  2010-05-06
As China's familiar bamboo fluters instruments, in our country has 7,000 years of history. It dates back in zhejiang province, where the unearthed hemudu seven years ago, bone flute of bone. Although bamboo fluters simple structure, but it has rich expression, and many unique skills. Such as air cycle is an extremely unique national wind breath skills. It requires the knowledge and reasonable use players training methods to make a note or a melody arbitrarily extended time, which will give the audience "blow long" deep impression. Therefore, in bamboo fluters "how to improve circulation transaired skills?" "How the reasonable training to control the skills can performers?" Become an inescapable technical problems. This paper starts from the air circulation, bamboo flutes skills in circulation of air source, principle, type, and the training methods. Hope that people can deeper understanding of bamboo fluters, air circulation. More hope for bamboo fluters art of development