
主导产业之所以能够在地区经济中起主导作用,关键在于它能带动地区经济的全面发展。主导产业与区内多数部门之间存在直接或间接的联系。这种联系愈广泛、愈深刻,则主导产业愈能通过聚集和乘数效应带动整个地区经济的发展。而主导产业则是在产业结构中,处于主要的支配地位,比重较大,综合效益较高,与其它产业关联度高,对国民经济的驱动作用较大,具有较大的增长潜力的产业。它是指在经济发展的一定阶段上,本身成长性很高、并具有很高的创新率,能迅速引入技术创新,对一定阶段的技术进步和产业结构升级转换具有重大的关键性的导向作用和推动作用,对经济增长具有很强的带动性和扩散性的产业。 在产业的生命周期中,主导产业处于成长期,处于成熟期的是支柱产业,处于初创期的是先导产业。主导产业在经济的发展上也处于领导地位,起着引导作用。

The leading industries in the region economy to play a leading role, the key lies in the fact that it can drive the all-round development of regional economy. With the most dominant industry zone between the departments directly or indirectly. This contact more widely and more profound, is the leading industry by the multiplier effect and the development of regional economy. And leading industry is in the industrial structure in the main dominance, and high efficiency, and other comprehensive industrial correlativeness degree high, the role of national economy, has driven the growth potential of the industry. It refers to the economic development of a certain stage, growth, and has high itself high rate of innovation, technology innovation, introduction to rapidly to a certain stage of technological progress and the upgrading of the industrial structure has important guiding function and key role in economic growth, with strong DaiDongXing and across the industry. In industry life cycle, the leading industries in time, in mature is the pillar industries, in the beginning is leading industry. Leading industries in economic development, and plays a leading role.
In today's society, economy, environment, more and more city or area of the city or area on natural and geographical location advantage, economy, the development of the dominant industries, build on regional brand, leading industry in order to win more market share, and create more profits from different extent, promote the economic development.
This article attempts from the construction of leading industry is discussed how to promote the healthy development of JianYangShi economic comprehensive, the paper, in combination of practical example, process with the actual data of this idea further proof. And on this basis, this paper also through the aspects of economic development, to quote out in real economic construction, we should how effectively on brand building, in construction, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, promote economic growth and promote the total Labour structure optimization, promote innovation, so as to promote the development of the whole economy optimizing and comprehensive development.
第1个回答  2010-09-01
The leading industries in the region economy to play a leading role, the key lies in the fact that it can drive the all-round development of regional economy. With the most dominant industry zone between the departments directly or indirectly. This contact more widely and more profound, is the leading industry by the multiplier effect and the development of regional economy. And leading industry is in the industrial structure in the main dominance, and high efficiency, and other comprehensive industrial correlativeness degree high, the role of national economy, has driven the growth potential of the industry. It refers to the economic development of a certain stage, growth, and has high itself high rate of innovation, technology innovation, introduction to rapidly to a certain stage of technological progress and industry "
第2个回答  2010-09-01
第3个回答  2010-09-01