



I am proficient in Office software such as Excel, Word, and good at inputtng and management of data.

I am capable of computer maintenance and can solve computer breakdown.

With an active working attitude, I have a good adaptability and communication skills.

As a fresh graduate, I am enthusiastic to my work and life, and I will further extend my attitude of activity and diligence in school to my professional life.
第1个回答  2009-04-13
I am proficient with Excel, Word and other widely used Office softwares, and able to deal with works about input and management of literacy and data. And I have the capacity to do several works related to computer maintenance and to rule out malfunction.

As a fresh graduate, I am full of boundless enthusiasm to profession and live. I will extend the attitude of activity and earnest and diligence from my college live to professional live.
第2个回答  2009-04-13
i am good at Excel, Word and other commonly used office software,i also can deal with computer maintenances as well as solve computer breakdown .in addition,i can deal with works about input and management of literacy and data. With an active working attitude, I have a good adaptability and communication skills.

As a fresh graduate, I am limitlessly enthusiastic about my work and life, and I will further extend my attitude of activity and diligence in school to my future life.