






Li Zhi, Yang Ying Zhengzhou people. Scholars cite. Tianshou, tired to move sentence Secretary-shing. When urgent use of martial law, known on a wide-alone, without excessive injustice. I try to avoid death, Hu Yuan-Li Shaoqing please kill it off, and the Japanese know reciprocating As for the number of four. Yuanli anger, said: "Cao Yuan-li always punishment, the prisoners without physical end." Answer: "The Japanese always know Cao sentence, the prisoner to die without end." As a result of a two-out, the fruit straight day to know.

Dragon at the beginning, Ji Shizhong. Japanese governor Zhixiao mother. When the old home, try disease, and Japan take urgent know, Shi stressed for a few days and white hair on the temples. Search Chaosantaifu increase. His mother, Erzu not Mingfu town, made funeral will be cited, officials and people who come to pass that knowledge on the real-time on the road must die, it is a long-Su. Are about mourning, monensin looking up. So that the inspection, Wei Zhou Sima Qian Road King will hear of his filial track, so for its shape, and Japan do not know politely refuse reported. Terms of service, Huangmenshilang tired to move.

When well-being of the new princess into a pool hall, in the clan to Lin Xing, from the pre-Guan Jie Fu Shi Yan. Day-to-deposit regulation known only commandment, at the end of the chapter said: "wants occasional home-yi Si, Mo said to enable the author labor." Many people have it.

The first year of King Wan, and Pingzhang Shi studied under the same books, to Yushitaifu, known as before the conduct of public affairs. Next year, Jin Shi Zhong al. The first year of birth, to Shang Xing Bu, known stop the conduct of public affairs. Begging frequency skeleton, Zhishi, promised.

Early on, please know there will be Chen, with his wife instead of seeking, by about home decoration equipment, will be the home of other industries. Jing-wife said: "The repeated air property, not the children of Ming Huan Li, also resigned suddenly for what?" Day said, to know: "At this point scholar, part is over. Without feeling tired, throw off restraint if their heart is not only full day . "And the pastoral, the industry does not matter, but the structure repair pool pavilion, cited more than backward, which feast on. Kaiyuan three single