
关键词: 探究教学 课程改革 实际案例 探究教学内容的开发

A new round of curriculum reform being carried out in full swing around innovation and practical ability to change teaching methods of inquiry-oriented teaching curriculum reform has become a top priority. "Inquiry Teaching" has become "the process and methods" to achieve the objectives of the core carrier [1]. Teaching towards self-learning, cooperative learning, and explore the teaching of direction, one of the important and specific goal is to change the passive acceptance of learning the way to promote active participation in the teaching of Inquiry. However, the inquiry teaching in China is still in its infancy, and its theoretical framework being set up, so into the understanding of the study, design and implementation is facing a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. As a basic course on the implementation of the important issues of the initial exploration, combined with the current curriculum reform and development, this subject from the main characteristics of this discipline and training objectives, to explore the chemical is committed to teaching the practice of the preliminary study and discussion.
In this paper, based on the idea of inquiry teaching and study of literature through the use of case studies and interview-based research methods, some teachers and students to explore the teaching of the status of implementation of the initial investigation and analysis, based on the author to lie mainly in secondary schools, the use of chemical course Research in teaching and learning activities, in line with local conditions to carry out experiments to explore the subject, in practice more effectively into the teaching activities of the preliminary evaluation of the case and try.
Action from the results of the study, this paper include:
1. Exploration into the classroom-style teaching model;
2. Combination of secondary school chemistry teaching practice to seek a number of operational research into teaching strategies;
3. Secondary School for the provision of teaching chemistry to explore some of the actual cases;
4. To explore the development of teaching practice will be up to a certain degree of regularity, deepening the theoretical and make it more systematic.