

根据英语语法规则,be bored with加从句可以,比如,I am bored with what you said.翻译成中文,我厌倦你所说的话。what you said在这里就是一个宾语从句。谢谢仅供参考。
第1个回答  2022-11-26
词用法 > 正文
2020.08.11 14:03
  1、be angry with 对……生气

  He was angry with his wife. 他对他妻子很生气。

  The teacher was angry with me when I was late. 我迟到时老师对我很生气。

  【注】表示对某人生气,用be angry with比用be angry at 常用。有人认为:用 with 表示心中感到生气,而用 at 则表示怒气流露于外表;也有人认为用介词 at 为口语或非正式文体等。不过值得注意的是,不要按汉语意思说 be angry to sb。


  2、be bored with 对……厌烦

  I am bored with this subject, anyway. 不管怎样,我对这个问题感到厌烦。

  I got the impression that he was bored with his job. 我得到的印象是他对工作感到厌倦。

  3、be busy with 忙于

  He’s busy with his homework. 他正忙着做家庭作业。

  He was busy day and night with conferences. 他日夜忙于与人会谈。

  4、be careful with 注意,当心,小心

  Be careful with that dress; it rips easily. 小心那件连衣裙,很容易破。

  These glasses are very expensive so please be careful with them. 这些玻璃杯十分昂贵,因此请小心些。

  5、be concerned with 与……有关;涉及;关心,关注

  The meeting was concerned with foreign trade. 这次会议和外贸有关。

  This chapter is concerned with space flight. 这一章是有关太空飞行的。

  This company is more concerned with quality than with quantity. 这家公司对质量比对产量更关心。

  He is primarily concerned with his work, not his family. 他第一关心的是他的工作而不是他的家庭。

  6、be content with 对……满意

  Are you content with your work? 你对你的工作满意吗?

  We are not content with the present achievements. 我们不满足于目前的成就。

  7、be delighted with 对……感到高兴

  They were delighted with the result. 他们对这结果感到很高兴。

  The boy was delighted with his new knife. He had been wanting one for a long time. 男孩对新小刀很高兴。他早就想要一把了。

  8、be disappointed with 对……感到失望

  I was disappointed with his performance. 他的表现令我失望。

  I am very disappointed with my new bike. 我对我的新自行车感到很失望。

  【注】disappointed后可接多个介词,其区别大致为:表示对某人感到失望,一般用介词 with 或 in;表示对某一行为感到失望,一般用介词 at 或about;表示对某一事实或情况感到失望,一般用介词 with, at或in。

  9、be familiar with 熟悉;与……关系友好(或过分友好)

  We are familiar with his character. 我们了解他的性格。

  He’s familiar with his boss. 他与他的老板关系很友好。

  He is too familiar with my wife. 他对我妻子太随便。


  I am not very familiar with botanical names. 我不太熟悉植物学方面的名称。

  Botanical names are not very familiar to me. 植物学方面的名称我不太熟悉。

  10、be honest with 对……真诚(坦诚)

  Let us be honest with each other. 让我们真诚相待。

  I must be honest with you. 我一定要与你坦诚相见。

  11、be ill with 患……病

  She is very ill with a fever. 她在发烧,病得很厉害。

  The boss has been ill with flu this week. 老板因患流感病了一个星期。

  12、be patient with 对……有耐心(容忍)

  You should be more patient with others. 你应该多容忍他人一些。
第2个回答  2022-11-26
be bored with"对。。。。。。厌烦"with为介词,后面可接名词,代词,动名词和从句作宾语(即宾语从句)