
关键词: 《红楼梦》;探春;玫瑰花;远嫁
惆怅了 怎么都是拿在线的翻译机翻译的。。。。急求。能翻译下来的我还会提高分数!!!

第1个回答  2009-05-15
"A Dream of Red Mansions" of "nobile 12" Tan Chun Jia ranked fourth, is establishing another classic House Rongguo Jia's second daughter, Shu-out Bank of China group III, alias "under banana off" is a no but does not love roses hand stamp. Grand View Garden众姊妹, the only al-Tanchun lofty ambition, good nature, and shrewd mind in training and unique, but she is just a赵姨娘Shu, so the identity of her in the Jias in a "semi-slavery," the embarrassment of the status of the feudal hierarchy guarded do not recognize her mother in order to preserve the dignity of Miss. Her untimely growing corruption in the decline of the family is heading, she is not filled with ambition to achieve. The book describes the Tanchun of ink compared to the hairpin is not Bao Dai, but her keen sense of perceived competence and impressive power, of which she is the best restaurant on behalf of the Family and凤姐Daguanyuan copy of the seizure performance. She is the iron boring sober house, but also would like to干一番事业pressing, but as a woman, she could only exist in the ideal and reality of the conflict badly beaten before the collision. Although she worked hard the family tried the shortcomings of the reform, but the final was still a colony complained that married rover end a miserable earth.
Key words: "A Dream of Red Mansions"; Tanchun; roses; married本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2009-05-15
"A Dream of Red Mansions" of "nobile 12" Tan Chun Jia ranked fourth, is establishing another classic House Rongguo Jia's second daughter, Shu-out Bank of China group III, alias "under banana off" is a no but does not love roses hand stamp. Grand View Garden众姊妹, the only al-Tanchun lofty ambition, good nature, and shrewd mind in training and unique, but she is just a赵姨娘Shu, so the identity of her in the Jias in a "semi-slavery," the embarrassment of the status of the feudal hierarchy guarded do not recognize her mother in order to preserve the dignity of Miss. Her untimely growing corruption in the decline of the family is heading, she is not filled with ambition to achieve. The book describes the Tanchun of ink compared to the hairpin is not Bao Dai, but her keen sense of perceived competence and impressive power, of which she is the best restaurant on behalf of the Family and凤姐Daguanyuan copy of the seizure performance. She is the iron boring sober house, but also would like to干一番事业pressing, but as a woman, she could only exist in the ideal and reality of the conflict badly beaten before the collision. Although she worked hard the family tried the shortcomings of the reform, but the final was still a colony complained that married rover end a miserable earth.
Key words: "A Dream of Red Mansions"; Tanchun; roses; married
第3个回答  2009-05-19
在我眼前,时常浮现出那张熟悉、亲切、令我永远难忘的脸庞,她便是给我印象最深刻的,我的小学老师—— 祁丽。


这时候,祁老师来到我身边,对我说:“湖之所以宽阔、博大,是因为它包容着所有的小水珠,它不会轻视其它小水珠,所以它十分快乐,一点也不孤独。人也是一样的,不能没有朋友,而朋友需要你自己去寻找,其实全班七十几个同学都是你的朋友,只是你没有去好好珍惜,才会一个人这样孤独。” 自从那次老师和我谈心之后,我明白了许多,也使我重新拥有了拥有了朋友,懂得了真正的友谊。在学习上,祁老师也常常支持我、鼓励我,陪我渡过了人生的一道道桥。

第4个回答  2009-05-15
《dream in the tournament ” “ ranked fourth in 《 gialo, tanchun, laoye is the youngest of time with the woman, bend sinister, faimlies, zhonghang, under customer ” “ Tsiu is beautifulthan, no one does not love but stamp hand roses.daguanyuan in unigenmata and sister-flowers gialo, tanchun extraordinarylot, but ambitious, strong, shrewd endogenity good to ryongwang and keenly, but she is invariably Zhao Auntie bend sinister, so let her in the identity of the seeked is half slave ” “ china'famous position, the feudal ideas let her mother to disown preservation Miss dignity.She complained of increasing corruption of the dechning serebruany hisun, makes her throw their vision not.for the brush describes tanchun compared with her bust is not much, but her talents and a keen nose impressive, one of the most wonderful mother and she is her chores and on behalf of the copy in the performance of the varilance daguanyuan.She was boring iron room sober, as well as urgent career you want to do, but as a woman, she can only be ideal and reality conflicts before avoidance of snags.in spite of her eventful, no stone unturned in the reform of the family itself, but still fall a prey, wandering far unmarriable complaind tianya miserable fate.