” Off the Chain ”


第1个回答  2022-10-02
off the chain" mainly me awesome
fun or exciting
out of trouble off the chain. = 好 正 arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr She is so attactive. = She is off the chain ( too)= 好索 arrrrrrrrrr She is out of trouble.= 甩难 laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thesource4ym/teenlingo /index?Letter=O#Top urbandictionary/define?page= 1&term=off+the+chain YOU SHOULD GO TO THE WEBSITE ABOVE AND LEARN MORE. off the chain 261 up
43 down (1) (Adj.) a great deal of fun (2) (Adj.) very attractive (1) Wow Mike
this party has punch and cake and everything! It's really OFF THE CHAIN! (2) That girl has a nice rack. She is OFF THE CHAIN. off the chain 120 up
43 down Da bomb
really good
deliteful. KFC's new buffet is OFF THE CHAIN. This slang has so many meanings! 好 正 arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is only one of them! 888866668868686868 868686868686868 86868686868688686886686886866868 2009-01-22 09:41:26 补充: eicachan cheated like there was no tomorrow a while ago and then she stopped for a while after I exposed her cheating. NOW SHE IS BACK TO CHEAT AGAIN! 2009-01-22 09:41:54 补充: eleanor_lok( 小学级 5 级 ) 2008-11-25 12:30:23 投票编号 003 annaon94( 小学级 5 级 ) 2008-11-25 12:07:27 投票编号 003 glcarolyn( 小学级 5 级 ) eicachan( 硕士级 2 级 ) 2009-01-22 09:42:01 补充: .knowledge.yahoo/question/question_voting_result?qid=7008111500669&.crumb=uThrZkvld5v .knowledge.yahoo/question/question?qid=7008111500669( eicachan won after cheating) 2009-01-22 09:42:17 补充: .knowledge.yahoo/question/article-review_result?qid=7008111500669 ( eicachan was even so proud of cheating) .knowledge.yahoo/question/article-review_result?qid=7008111500669 2009-01-22 09:42:33 补充: HER RECENT CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<---------------------- .knowledge.yahoo/question/question_voting_result?qid=7009011600161&.crumb=eWPRvmnM79G This time she only used one of her cheating IDs eleanor_lok( 小学级 5 级 ) 2009-01-21 21:50:46 2009-01-22 09:42:54 补充: .knowledge.yahoo/question/question_voting_result?qid=7009011600161&.crumb=eWPRvmnM79G I just want to tell everyone know that some people are here to cheat for points. I am not like them. 2009-01-22 09:43:48 补充: Please use your dictionaries and cast your vote
folks! eflpla/slang 'Off the chain' is an English slang (俚语) <---------an English slang ( This is what she wrote) 2009-01-22 09:43:55 补充: This cheat talked about slang without knowing it'd be WRONG to say " a/an xxx slang" in English! Sigh! 2009-01-22 09:44:28 补充: 为人光明磊落、正直不欺的,会得神灵佑护,处处化险为夷,平安无事;而那些戴上假面具的伪君子和那些口蜜腹剑、口是心非、欺诈终日的奸险小人,无论他们如何小心隐藏自己的恶行,总会有被人知晓的一天。 2009-02-06 13:48:40 补充: "eicachan 说: eleanor_lok 等几个 "没有电话登记"、"几乎全无答问记录"、及 "差不多同一时开的用户" 是真户
有大学程度? 今次不投票支持 eicacheat 的人告诉我
他们全是英国剑桥大学的 PhD
一向鄙视 eicacheat 的所作所为."
slang 的意思是不可看表面的
所以希望各回答者可以 quote 字典 或 可靠的网络资料
'Off the chain' is an English slang (俚语) which has similar meaning to 'off the hook' -- meaning freed from danger
blame or obligation. The meaning is evident in the words 'chain' and 'hook'. eg. A suspect was let off the chain after being proved not guilty. A fish was let off the hook for being under-sized for catching. In Cantonese
preferably we will express the meaning of 'off the chain' in the form of a slang(俚语)
either as 甩难-meaning freed from danger
or 甩绳马骝-meaning as free as an untied monkey 2009-01-18 09:46:01 补充: 答你今日电邮: 'Off the chain' 是英之俚语,跟 'off the hook'意思相近 -- 免除 危难、被责怪 或 责任 'chain' 和 'hook'表示出意思所在. eg. A suspect was let off the chain after being proved not guilty.疑犯证实无罪后被释放 A fish was let off the hook for being under-sized for catching.钓到的鱼太细小,幸重得自由 最好也用广东话俚语解说: 甩难 - 脱离危难
或 甩绳马骝 - 得自由,冇皇管 2009-01-24 20:54:15 补充: whatiswhat24你讲够未? eleanor_lok
glcarolyn我亲人,英文水准外国大学及高中程度,加入Yahoo知识投票有乜问题? 任何Yahoo知识会员有自 *** 选择自己认为好的答案。你可以自以为是,但要尊重人地嘅意见。请你自重! 2009-01-24 21:05:52 补充: 呢条题目我先答,引哂参考网料来源thesource4ym/teenlingo/index?Letter=O cdict/?q=Off+the+hook 阿Ken你睇咗未,欢迎指教。 whatiswhat24我冇话你抄我,因为你喺另外网页攞到类似嘅料,大家表达方式唔同,讲嘅系差唔多,点解你要讲衰人呢?系唔系诬告人讲衰人等投票嘅人唔投我去投你呢? 2009-01-24 21:26:07 补充: Ken哥最钟意讲focus on knowledge。这点佢而家做得几好,系好榜样俾人学习。我哋可唔可以讲'off the chain' is an English slang,根据 slangdict/index?option=_content&task=view&id=271&Itemid=50 有A Slang A Day,whatiswhat24答案亦讲This slang has so many meanings!,我谂可以。但邀请各方人士指证。 2009-01-24 21:45:24 补充: whatiswhat24我用粤语写,因为问题有关cantonese。但相信你中文进步神速,会睇得明我嘅意见,唔好乱咁谂而唔信人。其实有时你啲答案有特色,英文流畅,真系好好。请大家一齐专心用知识去帮人。 唔驶乱诬告唱衰我,你啲新知旧雨无数,我一定唔够你斗。所以其它人投我票就系我嘅鼓励,请你唔好閙吓到佢地以后唔敢投票哩。更加唔好以为自选拣我嘅发问者系我自己咁无聊。
参考: thesource4ym/teenlingo/index?Letter=O cdict/?q=Off+the+hook