
据报道,中学生的身体素质有所下降,这一情况已经引起全社会的关注和教育部门的高度重视,(EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY, KEEP ILLNESS AWAY!)是某中学关于青少年体育锻炼的宣传标语,请你根据下面的要点和要求,写一篇英语短文。 要点:一、锻炼身体的好处。二、锻炼身体的方式。三、请你谈谈学校开展该活动的看法或建议。

第1个回答  2014-03-07
Health is very important to us teenagers. Either study or work is based on strong body. Doing sports every day helps us keep healthy and energetic. And taking exercise can keep us strong, we won’t get tired or sick easily. Just as the slogan says, “Exercise one hour a day keeps illness away.”
There are many kinds of sports we can do, such as running, swimming and ball games. Now we students have to do too much homework after school. I hope teachers will leave us less home work so that we can have more time to take part in sports. I also hope our school can organize more sport activities for us.
第2个回答  2014-03-07
  参考范文  Health�0�2is�0�2very�0�2important�0�2to�0�2us�0�2teenagers.�0�2Either�0�2study�0�2or�0�2work�0�2is�0�2based�0�2on�0�2strong�0�2body.�0�2Doing�0�2sports�0�2every�0�2day�0�2helps�0�2us�0�2keep�0�2healthy�0�2and�0�2energetic.�0�2
第3个回答  2014-03-07