
克拉申认为:教说话的最好方法,也是唯一的方法,便是给学习者提供可理解的输入信息。教师要积极为学生创设说英语的环境。一是结合所学知识,找一些难易适中的英语故事或儿歌,反复给他们放录音。二是课内外与学生交流时尽量用英语,让学生在交际活动中学习。三是利用直观教具、实物、投影或幻灯、多媒体等声像设备进行教学。如教doll时用一个洋娃娃,教four seasons可放四季不同的投影 ,教shopping 可让学生观看一段商场中售货员和顾客的对话。四是善于捕捉契机,设计带有启发性的情境。如借学习用品、互相打招呼、问路、上学回家、道别等内容,让教师和学生进行英语交流。

在英语教学中许多课文和对话的内容不易记住和掌握,教师要想方设法,使教学直观化、趣味化。一要精心挑选或设计一些英语教学游戏。如一位教师教学Is this your /his /her ……?句型后,设计了一个“looking for the owner "游戏,每次让一个学生先出去,教师从另一个学生那儿拿一件东西,然后让出去的学生回来猜东西的主人,学生猜时要用Is this your /his /her ……句型来问,其他学生用Yes/ No回答,能最快找到主人的可以得到一朵小红花。二要把音乐引入课堂,以培养学生学英语的兴趣,增强记忆力。如《ABC song 》、《Good morning to you 》等。三要运用新颖奇趣的谜语、故事,诱发学生兴趣,如让学生合上书,注意观察老师口形变化(不发音),判断老师说的是哪一个词,最先说对者为胜方。如采用“I am big ,I am grey ,my nose is long ,my tail is short ."猜谜语的形式帮助记忆“elephent”。四要让学生参与设计戏剧表演,让一名或几名学生头戴头饰,一边放录音或朗读,一边模仿课文内容表演,可根据教学需要放在课始、课中、课尾进行。如一位教师在教“Nice to meet you ”这一新句子时,学生戴着头饰表演介绍朋友互相认识时打招呼。第一遍为哑剧,让学生思考如何配音;第二遍让学生配音;第三遍听录音机的配音,这样在复习“This is ……”和“Glad to meet you ”中很自然地引出“Nice to meet you ”,效果很棒。

Second, reform teaching methods, induce interest.
Pupils fun, competitive and active curiosity. Teachers should students from the psychological perspective, adopt various flexible teaching methods, cultivating students' interest in study.
1, creating context, build atmosphere.
Speaking: teach krashen think the best method, is the only method, is to provide information and comprehensible input. Teachers should actively environmwnt for students to speak English environment. One is to combine the knowledge, find some difficulty with English songs, stories or give them to the tape again. 2 class inside and outside to communicate with students in English, let students learn in the communicative activities. Three is to use visual AIDS, practicality, projection or slide, multimedia teaching materials equipment. When using a doll as teaching, teaching four seasons doll can put four different projection, teach students the tabs can watch a bazaar salesman and customers. Four is good, design with capture of inspiring. If borrow school supplies, each home, school, directions, etc, to say goodbye to English teachers and students.

2, role performance and fun.
In English teaching, many of the text and the conversation to remember and master, teachers should try and make teaching method, interesting. A carefully selected or design some English teaching. As a teaching Is regardless of your site/his /... ? After the design patterns, a "owner" asked for every game, a student to go from another student and teacher get a thing, then let the students guess things went back, the master Is to use when students guess his/country regardless of your /... Sentence to ask, the other students use Yes/No answer, can find the quickest master can get a little red. 2 take music into classroom, to cultivate students' interest in learning English, enhance memory. If the ABC song ", "Good sas to etc. Firstly, using the story fascinating new riddle, induce students' interest, if lets the student closed the book, watch the teacher KouXing changes (not), which is the teacher say a word to say, first for the winner. If use "I am, I am big grey, my nose is mutually short tail that is" guessing riddles of memory "elephent" to help. The fourth is to let students to participate in the design, make a drama or some students wore a tiara, put the tape or read the text, imitate, but according to the teaching in class to class, and the class tail. As a teacher in your "Nice" useful sentences, this new students wore tire performance is introduced when friends know each other. The first times for mime, lets the student thought to dub, 2 times to let students dubbing, The third time listen to the tape recorder, This review "voice in memories..." Your boss and useful in naturally leads "Nice site," effect of useful.
3, introducing competition, active classroom.
Children are competitive in the classroom, some proper competition activities, such as group competition, men and women, free competition, etc, which can be personal challenge and active classroom atmosphere, can foster competition and cooperation of cooperation consciousness. In the teaching, we often can use these competition methods: (1) the chain called method. The teacher let A answer, A correct answer to the question, the same problem, b. b. ask C correct answer... Compare which group answer to fast. (2) relay interpreter. A key sentences as the baton, teacher put it down on paper, let each row first bite, ear message back until the last one, a group which is a fast and accurate. (3) bridging over words. For team members to each unit on the blackboard writing a word, a written request as solitaire idiom. (4) reading and essay contest, match action game at expression, etc., word guessing can stimulate the students' enthusiasm, let the students' self-study.
第1个回答  2009-05-24
第2个回答  2009-06-02
第3个回答  2009-05-27