far from 和away from的区别


1. 含义的区别:
- "far from" 通常表示距离上的远离,或者用来强调某个事物与另一事物的显著差异,有时带有否定意味。
- "away from" 也指远离,但它更多地强调位置上的移动或分离,不一定涉及距离的远近。
2. 语法结构和用法:
- "far from" 是一个形容词短语,可以用作表语、定语或状语。
- "away from" 是一个副词短语,通常用作状语,说明动作或状态的方向或位置。
3. 句例展示:
- 使用 "far from" 的例子:
原句: "I've noticed we park our car far from the entrance even when there are no other cars in the lot."
改写: "I've noticed that we park our car at a considerable distance from the entrance, even when the lot is empty."
- 使用 "away from" 的例子:
原句: "He wheeled my bicycle away from the front of my gate."
改写: "He moved my bicycle to a spot distant from the front of my gate."