

第1个回答  2013-08-14
The old peasant suggested that a reservoir(should)be built at the foot of thehill,那位老农建议在这座山脚下修座水库。
“The experiment had failed!”“I suggest you(should)try again.”“实验失败了!”“我提议再试一试。”
I desire that you(should)finish the task today.我希望你今天完成这项任务。
They requested(demanded)that everyone(should)attend the meeting ontime.他们要求大家准时出席会议。
He proposed that we(should)visit their school next week.他提议我们下周参观他们的学校。
The captain ordered(commanded)that his soldiers(should)go on to the front.上尉命令他的战士继续开往前线。
The boy insisted that he(should)go back alone.这孩子坚持要一个人回去。
2.凡是由“It is(was)requested(ordered,suggested,desired,decided等)that…”引导的名词性主语从句中,其谓语部分的should可以省略。例如:
It is requested that the cloth(should )be woven at once.下令马上织这种布。
It is desired that the bridge(should)be built in two years.要求两年内建成这座桥。
It has been decided that the meeting(should)be held tomorrow已经决定会议明天举行。
3.凡是由“It is(was)important(necessary)that…”引导的名词性主语从句中,其谓语部分的should可以省略。例如:
It is very important that everyone(should)work well.大家把工作做好是很重要的。
It is necessary that our college students(should)master a foreign language.
Xiao Wang's suggestion is that we(should)play basketball after school.小王建议放学后打篮球。
My idea is that our class meeting(should)be held next week.我的意见是下周开班会。
I agree to your motion that we(should)go swimming this afternoon.我赞成你的建议,今天下午我们去游泳.
They are discussing your proposal that we(should)visit the Great Wall of China tomorrow.你建议我们明天去参观长城,他们正讨论.
5.凡是由lest(以免;免得),in case(以防)和 for fear that(生怕,唯恐)引导的目的状语从句中,其谓语部分should可以省略。例如:
Keep quiet in case you(should)interrupt him when he is busy.要保持安静, 以防打扰他。
She is now studying for fear that she(should)fail in English.她现在很勤 奋,生怕英语不及格。
You must wake him early lest he(should)be late for school.你务必早点叫 醒他,以免他上学迟到。
值得一提的是,在以上五种情况下用虚拟语气是美国英语和英国英语共 同的特色,所不同的是美国英语通常省掉should,而英国英语通常保留should。