
Cultural Variation:
1.The basis for cultural variation is to be found in the creative and imaginative faculties of the human brain:man can conceive of almost any possible form of behavior of interpretation of human existence.There are,of course,ecological and economic realities the impose limits on man's capacity to establish and maintain variant forms of social life and meaning .The economic and material side of human existence appears to have evolved in definite stages,as the ability to transform the natural environment permitted greater wealth and leisure.Artistic,literary,and philosophical aspects of cultural have increased in variety,but it is doubtful that these evolved in definite stages.
2.In any case the sheer variety of cultures on earth appears to be diminishing.The spread of Western-style industrial society across the globe has suppressed many of the unique differences,in favor of a common style of life featuring cities and industry .Anthropologists and historians feel that cultural variability probably reached a peak in the 14th and 15th centuries,before Europeans had seriously interfered with ways of life of peoples on other continents.
Cultural Style:
1.Patterned behavior in culture may also be represented with the concept of style.A culture can be viewed as a characteristic way of doing things in a particular society.Similarly, the term 'subculture' is often used to denote a characteristic way of doing things in a part of any society.Thus Negro populations in the United States have a number of distinctive styles not found in white populations,although there is considerable overlap.Culture as a style of behaving will often determine the way practical problems are solved. Farmers in North America think of mutual aid as being given out of friendship ,as a voluntray gesture;thus they have been resistive to formally organized co-operatives for the production of farm products.When they do need to co-operate to spread risks,they do so informally,as a form of neighborly aid. Co-operation does take place,but in accordance with the cultural style.

1图案。在文化行为也可能代表风格的概念。一个文化可以被视为一个特点做事情的方式在一个特定的社会。同样,“亚文化”往往是用来表示一个特点做事情的方式中的一部分,任何社会。因此,在美国的黑人人口美国有一些独特的风格,没有发现在白色的人口,虽然有相当多的重叠。文化作为一种风格的表现通常会确定的方式解决实际问题。农民在美国北部认为互助是出于友谊,为voluntray手势;因此他们得到了电阻正式组织合作社生产的农产品。当他们需要合作,分散风险,他们这样做是非正式的,作为一种友好的帮助。合作确实发生,但依照文化风格。 我用翻译器翻译的,如果不行就自己在文中改几句吧。。。。。