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The Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica), also known as the Siberian , Manchurian or North China tiger , is confined completely to the Amur region in far eastern Siberia, where it is now protected.

The last two censuses (1996 and 2005) found 450–500 Amur tigers within their single and more or less continuous range making it one of the largest undivided tiger populations in the world.

Considered the largest subspecies, with an average weight of around 227 kg (500 lb) for males. The Amur tiger is also noted for its thick coat, distinguished by a paler golden hue and a smaller number of stripes. The Amur tiger is the largest and heaviest of all naturally-occurring felines. A six-month old Amur tiger can be as big as a fully grown leopard

People in varies countries have use their fur for clothes or display purpose. Chinese believe that the bones and penis of tiger could be used as medicine and strength men's ability.

阿穆尔虎(东北虎) ,也被称为西伯利亚(又称为西伯利亚虎) ,或北满中国虎(满州虎或东北虎) ,是完全密闭的阿穆尔地区在远东西伯利亚,在那里现在的保护。

在过去两年人口普查( 1996年和2005年)发现450-500阿穆尔虎在其单或多或少连续范围使它成为最大的不可分割的老虎数量在世界上。

审议了最大的亚种,平均体重约227公斤( 500磅)的男性。阿穆尔虎还指出其厚外套,尊敬的金色调苍白和数量较少的条纹。阿穆尔虎是最大的和沉重的所有自然发生的猫。 6个月大的阿穆尔虎可以大作为一个完全成长豹
