

第1个回答  推荐于2017-12-16
Do you have a cat? The tiger is an animal of the cat, but has more features than other cats feline animal animal, the tiger is very like a cat. If you're in the cat draw a "King" character, then it enlarged several times, we can generallysee him the. There is a proverb is "difficulty", to say the very image of the similarity in appearance of the cat and thetiger. Of course, the tiger is usually yellow, have beautifulfur stripes. White tiger tiger but its smell, do not see itsobjects, mere folklore.
As the saying goes "the cat is a tiger's teacher", but apparently the tiger is blue flowers. Tiger's ferocity not a catthan drop. We see that anger will only feel lovely kittentried, won't feel fear, while the tiger gesticulate desire torush but can let person hepatobiliary desire crack, wits.Even in a zoo, a tiger stared at you, also can let you feel the pressure, uncomfortable. Eye covetously, will despise?
