
以上构件请务必在底漆喷涂之前处理并达到规范要求。Above components shall be
processed and meet the standard requirements prior to primer painting.
钢板抛丸清理等级应达到Sa2. 5(近白级)
Steel shot blasting cleaning shall achieve Sa2. 5(near white blast)

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Components mentioned above shall be processed so as to meet the standard requirements prior to primer painting.
还有就是,and meet,您用的是,我觉得这个主语不同,您不能说是以上构件满足要求,而是经过处理以后的构件的表面,满足涂装的要求,这里我用了 so as to。

The surface of steel plate cleaned with shot blasting shall achieve Sa 2.5 (Near White ).

用了一个过去分词作定语;近白级,near white就可以了。
第1个回答  2013-06-20
[务必] 翻译为must 比shall 更贴切。
[符合规范要求] 用 comply with 更佳。
抛丸清理 - shot blast cleaning
近白级 - 不能用near ,可以用 nearly 或 close to

The above components must be processed (treated) to comply with the standard requiremets ptior to primer painting (spraying).

The steel shot blast cleaning shall (should) achieve Sa 2.5 (nearly white blast)
第2个回答  2013-06-20
两个主要问题:1、中文“以上”的意思没有正确表达。 2、应用被动语态表达第二句。
1、The above mentioned components shall be
treated to comply with the standard requirements before primer painting coat processing.
2、Steel shot blast shall be achieved with Sa2. 5(near white blast)

第3个回答  2013-06-20


    The above components shall be processed according to the standard requirements prior to primer (paint) spray.

    Steel shot blasting cleaning shall achieve Sa2. 5(near/close to white blast scale). 

底漆喷涂=primer底 paint漆 spray名词; 不是"painting".


according=根据; meet; comply with.

第4个回答  2013-06-20


Please make sure the above components are processed so that they meet the standard requirements prior to primer painting.

因为有“请务必”,所以还是用"Please make sure"比较到位。

钢板抛丸清理等级应达到Sa2. 5(近白级)

The grade of stell shot blasting cleaning should achieve Sa2.5 (near the grade of white blast)

等级一词我就翻译成"the grade"了。不了解你的行业里有否别的说法。可讨论。追问

额不错 我的那个有没有语法错误



第5个回答  2013-06-20
The above components must be treated before spraying primer and meet required standards.
The steel plate shot blasting should meet the level of Sa 2.5.