

电动窗: Dynamoelectric window:
前翻驾驶室: Turned over the bridge house before:
动力方向:Motive direction:
可调方向: Adjustable direction:
排气制动: Row the spirit makes to move:
双级消声器: The double class eliminates a machine:
王档机械式: WANG2 DANG3's machine type:
双排标准: A row standard:
单排标准:List row standard:
双排加长: A row lengthen:
单排加长:List the row lengthen:
技术参数表: Technique parameter form:
引擎排量: The engine row quantity:
最大功率: Biggest power:
最大扭距: Biggest twist to be apart from:
排放标准: Exhaustion standard:
前照灯:Shone on the light before:
前位灯: A light:
转向信号灯: Change direction the signal beacon:
前大灯(含雾灯):Ex- headlight:( contain fog light)
前转向灯:Changed direction the light before:
前保险杠:Ex- insurance :
选配:Choose to go together with:
电动外后视镜:The dynamoelectric outside sees the mirror behind:
前悬/后悬:Hang before/ hang behind:
增压:Increase to press:
轻轨:Light track:
直列四缸涡轮增压:The array is four turbo:
直列四缸tci中冷增压:Cold increase to press in four urns of tcis of array:
直列四缸高压共轨:Four urns of tracks with total high pressure of array:
锻造工字梁:Forge the work word beam:
前盘制动:The ex- dish system move:
前翻驾驶室:Turned over the bridge house before:
高档面料:The upscale noodles anticipate:
座椅可调方向:A direction with adjustable chair: