
Maybe our lifes like it.
The life is transient. Time flows away inadvertently.Our lives have to be end,but have you thought about leaving something in this short life?Although the life of firework is short,her brilliance is admired by world.This is eternity.

Life is so.please to seek the eternity with the transient life.A moment of brilliance will be the beauty forever.

生命是短暂的 时间在不经意间流走 我们的生命就此终结 但你想没有想过要在这短暂的生命里留下点什么?烟花的生命虽然短暂 但她的光芒却被世人铭记赞叹 这就是一种永恒了 人生如此 请在你平凡且短暂的生命中寻找一个永恒 一刹那的光辉 会成为永远的美丽
手打+在线翻译 下面有中文对照 我英语不好 也不知道是不是写的有错误 请帮忙改正一下吧 再有就是 如有表述不当也请帮忙修改。非常感谢!

第1个回答  2011-09-12
life is short, when time is passing by without being noticed by us, then our life is going to be ended, but have you ever thought about what are you going to do in this short life? fireworks has short life, but everyone remembers its flame, this can be called forever, our life is like the firework, please find out the important moment in our short life, and make it become forever.
第2个回答  2011-09-12
The life is short. Time flows away with little attention. Our lives have to be finished at some stage. But have you ever thought about leaving something in your short life? In spite of the short life of firework, for example, its brilliance is admired by the world. This is eternity.

This is a life, a normal and eventurnal life. However, you have to find your eternity in your short life. A moment of brilliance will be the beauty forever.本回答被提问者采纳