jason chen burns中文歌词


Jason Chen – Burns Lyrics
Verse 1:
You left me on the porch               你把我留在了门边
With a rose in my hand                我手里捧着玫瑰
How could you be so cold               你到底能有多冷漠
How could you make the door slam          怎么弄够这样重的甩上门
I can deal with a lot of pain              我能接受很多种疼痛
But this I don’t know                但是这种我不明白
It’s like another level                像是到了另一种程度
I have never felt before                我以前从没感受过

Will I ever fall in love again (yeah)          我以后还能再一次这样的爱吗?
Will I ever be the same again (no)          我以后还会再次像现在这样吗?(不会
Cuz I lost what I had                 因为我失去了
And I’ll never get it back              而且它永远不会再回来
No matter what I try to do              不管我怎么去尝试
Cuz every time I think about you           因为每次我想到你
I think about pain                  我总是想到疼痛
I remember every single word you’d say       我记得你说过的每一个字
Like de ja vu                    像是记忆画面
You say we’re through              你说我们结束了
And now that’s all I think about          现在他回荡在我脑海
When I think about you               当我想到你
And it burns                    它伤到我
And It burns                    疼痛
And it burns                    疼痛
And it burns                    疼痛
And it burns                    疼痛
And it burns                    疼痛

Verse 2:
I’ve come a long way               我经历了很多
But then I see you again              然后我又一次见到你
I can’t believe you’d say            我不敢相信你说的
That you still wanna be friends           你还是想做朋友
I guess you moved on               我猜你往前走了
I wish that I’d done the same           我希望我也可以
But I’m still black and blue            可是我还是呆在原地忧伤
Just can’t forget that day            不能忘记那一天


Too many times that I’ve tried to forget your name   很多时候我试着忘记掉你的名字
But I still feel the same                可我还是一样的感受
How long will I have to wait till I feel okay        我能有多久的时间来等伤口痊愈
Cuz every time I think about you…           每次我想到你…