can you help me with swimming.请解释一下为什么要用ing形式,以及一些关于help,和要加动名词等的知识点


介词with 后面要用名词 或者名词性的词 一般介词后都的动词都要加ing


非谓语分为 动名词 分词和不定式三种 其中分词又可分为现在分词和过去分词 这里要注意的是,动名词和现在分词在形式在是一致的,可是语法分类上是不同的。不过对于英语学习者来说,也可以简单地认为是一样的(当然这样的认为只能针对高中及以下的英语学习适用,若是严格来说,简单认为是一样的这样的认可是不正确的——这是要说明的)

你问及的动名词的用法 我简单给你说下吧

Talking is easier than doing.
It’s no use talking about it.
He is afraid of being scolded.
I found it no use talking with him.
如:admit, avoid, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, finish, imagine,
keep, miss, mention, practice, risk, stop, suggest等。
有些动词后面只能接to do。如:agree, decide, expect, hope,
long(渴望),manage, plan, pretend,
refuse, wish等。
有些动词后面接doing和to do 都可以,且意思差别细微,或看作
没差别。如:begin, start, hate, like, love, continue, refer等;
但另一类词差别很大。如:forget, remember, mean, try, regret等。
还有 go on; remind sb. of doing sth.(使人想起)和remind sb. to
do(提醒)。另外,stop doing停止干;stop to do停下来去干某
事,to do是目的状语。
Seeing is believing.
The story is moving/exciting/interesting.
I saw them coming across the road.
They had their lights burning all night long.
There is a swimming pool in our school.
China is a developing country.
Being ill, she went home.
Having finished their homework, they had a rest.
While reading the book, he nodded from time to time.
(1)doing前加物主代词。如:my doing;
(2)doing前加名词所有格。如:Tom’s doing;
(3)作宾语时doing前可加人称代词宾格。如:me doing。例如:
Mary’s coming late made Mr. Smith angry.
She didn’t mind his (him) crying.
2.否定式在其前面加not;完成式having done;被动式being done。
Not knowing what to do, he turned to his teacher for help.
Having finished their homework, they watched TV.
He had hoped to take his seat without being seen.
Weather permitting (If weather permits), we’ll have a sports meet
next week.
Weather being so fine (As weather is so fine), we have decided to
go on an outing.
There being no buses, we had to walk home.
They slept, with the lights burning.


1. help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事。 to 可省略

2. be of some/ no/ much help to sb. 对某人有些 / 没有 / 很有帮助。

3. help oneself ( to )自用(食物等)。

4. help sb. into/ out of 搀扶某人进入 / 走出。

5. help sb. out 帮助某人克服困难,渡过难关、解决问题、完成工作。

6. with the help of 在……帮助下。

7. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事。

8. help to do sth. 有助于做某事。

此外help sb (in)doing sth. in 可以省掉,表示 帮某人一起做某事

我在猜 你是不是想问 can't help doing sth,情不自禁做某事 关于doing的用法 呵呵

打字 整理很辛苦啊~~~希望对你有帮助
第1个回答  2012-01-01
因为它是动词 ,n. 游泳
Please keep the watch for me while I go swimming.
adj. 会游泳的, 游泳的

I have two pairs of swimming trunks.
Swimming is a good form of exercise.
She goes swimming on Saturdays.
The children ducked each other in the swimming pool.
Tom was swimming in bliss.
floating adj. 浮动的, 流... naiant adj. (鱼)游水的
liquid adj.液体的, 液态的... swim v.游泳 ; n.游泳

swimming costume n. (女)游泳衣 swimming suit 泳衣
swimming trunks n. 泳裤 swimming cap 游泳帽
swimming pool 游泳池 swimming bath n. 室内游泳池
swimming lane 泳道 synchronized swim... n. 同游表演
free-swimming 自由游动的 swim v.游泳 ; n.游泳

swim v.游泳 ; n.游泳 swimmable adj. 可以游泳的, ...
swim bladder n. 浮囊, 鱼鳔 Swimmer Support Boat 蛙人支援舰
swim with the tide 顺应潮流,随波逐流 Swimmer Support S... 蛙人支援系统
swimmer n.游泳者 swimmers 白色有光绒面呢
swimmeret n. 游水器 Swimmers Weapons ... 蛙人武器系统 1. the act of swimming: "they took a short swim in the pool"
同义词: swim
名词 swim :
1. the act of swimming: "they took a short swim in the pool"
同义词: swimming
形容词 swimming :
1. filled or brimming with tears
同义词: liquid
2. applied to a fish depicted horizontally
同义词: naiant
第2个回答  2012-01-01
help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事;with后面接的是名词,而swim本身是动词,所以用-ing形式。
help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事。