

A:hello,may i speak to B?
B:yes i am.Who are there?
A:is me,A.may i borrow some book from you?
B:oh! i should ask from my brother (C),he has many kind of book.I left him talk with you ,ok?
C:is that B there?i heard my brother say that you have to borrow some book from me,so what kind of book that you want?
A:you are so kindly.i want the English dictionary,because i have some words that i don't understand.
C:English dictionary?no prolem.but how i can take the book to you?how about i call my brother take to you when the tuisyen class?
A:Ok.no problem.Thank you.
C:you are welcome.
B:ok,A,i take the book to tomorrow tuisyan class.bye