求一篇图书馆借书场景的英语对话,要用到这些词:reserve,over due,extension

求一篇图书馆借书场景的英语对话,要用到这些词:reserve,over due,extension,reading list,stack,bookshelf,librarian,library card.

第1个回答  2015-07-05
A: Hi, madam. I came to return these books. Here you are.
B: Oh, I'm afraid that most of them have been over due for several days... Oh, this one has been over due for two months!
A: Oh my gosh! I didn't expect that. I should have applied for an extension.
B: You'd better make a reading list. Don't just take away a stack of books from the bookshelf mindlessly. You should ask the librarian for help.
A: Well... now I want Les Miserables.
B: You need to reserve it, sir. Now show me your library card.本回答被网友采纳