
1.They will come back in two weeks.(画线部分是in two weeks)
2.We go to see the old men twice a month.(画线部分是 twice a month)
3.He studies English hard.(画线部分是hard)
5.They met each other at the gate of our school.(画线部分是at the gate of our school)
6.LiMing is going to help me with my English.(画线部分是LiMing)

1.They will come back in two weeks.(画线部分是in two weeks)
【When will they com back?】
2.We go to see the old men twice a month.(画线部分是 twice a month)
【How often do you go to see the old men?】
3.He studies English hard.(画线部分是hard)
【How does he study English?】
5.They met each other at the gate of our school.(画线部分是at the gate of our school)
【Where did they meet each other?】
6.LiMing is going to help me with my English.(画线部分是LiMing)
【Who is going to help you with your English?】

第1个回答  2011-05-29
1、when will they come back? 他们什么时候回来
2、How often do you go to see zhe old men。 你们多久去看一次这些老人
3、How dose he study English?他怎么学习英语的
5、where did they meet each other? 他们在哪里见面
6、who will going to help you with your English? 谁将会来帮你学英语

总之注意 使用相应的疑问词 is am are can may could would will 提前 没有就加do did dose提前

划线是划地点的用where 具体事务 事件的 用what
r人物 用who 谁的东西 用whose 表示程度的 用how 年龄how old 时间的 用when

还有一点 ,原句中的 I me 变成You 因为变成别人问你了。
第2个回答  2011-05-29
when will they.....
how often do we go.....
how does he ...
where did they meet .....
who is .....