请帮我译一下《明史 列传第一百六十九 循吏传》


第1个回答  2007-03-31
The weather has been prefect these day.Sometimes,I lose all track of time when i listen to music,i want travel alone~~~But,My this dream over now!
A point of time,i silent,smile a forced smile and i think life is merciless.I don't like we were at the mercy of the life and school.(One day they will pay for evil deeds)!!~~~~~I don't think anyone mercy to me!!~~~~~
Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help.you(WJ,YY,YQ,PP,Yan......)that sort of thing.Thanks!~~Thanks!~~I don't forget forever~~you help me to find the lose myself!Thanks for you continued support.......
What a mercy~~~~It's a pleasure for me to do with all of you.I love you!I miss you----My friends!~~~~
We could see sunshine in the fog!!
