
谁来分析一下这英语句子的语法结构?错了没?You pass the great stone halls of, say, M.I.T., and there cut into the stones are the names of the scientists.
Yet any of you who managed to stay awake through part of a high school course in physics,knows more about physics than did many of the great scholars of the past.

You是主语 pass是谓语 the great stone halls of, say, M.I.T., 是宾语(其中say是插入语)and 是并列连词there 是引导词cut into the stones 是提前的过去分词短语作定语修饰后面的名词are是谓语 the names of the scientists是主语。(and后面的并列句=there are the names of the scientists cut into the stones.)
Yet 是连接副词 any of you 是主语 who managed to stay awake through part of a high school course in physics是定语从句knows是谓语 more about physics 是宾语than did many of the great scholars of the past 是状语从句(其中因主语太长 故把谓语did提前)句子意思:你走过,比方说,麻省理工学院的宏伟的石头大厅,那里的石头上刻着科学家的名字。但是只要你们原来上高中物理课的时候从头睡到尾不睡觉,你们当中任何一个人了解的物理学知识都要比许多那些历史上的伟大的学者多。追问

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