
第一句:这种权威最终也只能宣判星球上唯一的一只耗子的死刑而已,并且为了使这种权威能够继续,也唯有选择赦免。 第二句:他只是一再地重复着错误,如此循环往复陷入了一个心里的怪圈不能自拔。 第三句:小王子和叙述者之间的难以沟通或不理解,恰恰是作者想要揭示的客观存在的矛盾,也正是儿童的内心世界与大人的内心世界格格不入的象征。 第四句:它向小王子耍的那些小把戏,俨然是初涉爱河的少女的种种表现。 第五句:最后是小王子和狐狸的矛盾。二者之间形成驯服与被驯服的关系。 第六句:《小王子》是以儿童的角度看成人世界,以儿童的价值标准衡量成人的行为。 就这六句哦, 谢谢啦

绝对人工翻译,敬请审核 1.This kind of authority can only condemn the execution of the only one mouse in the world, and the only choice is to exonerate it so that this authority could be kept on. 2.He makes the same mistake again and again, so he falls into a psychological circle and could not help himself as a circle. 3.The communication difficulty and being not understood between the little prince and the narrator are just the objective contradictions what the writer wants to show, as well as the symbol of the contradiction between the children's inner world and adult's. 4.the jugglery it plays to the little prince is just like the expession of a young girl falling in love. 5. At the last is the contradictions between the little prince and the fox, the relationship is formed as taming and being tamed 6.< The Little Prince> has an angle of view as children looking on the adult's world and a value standard of children to measure the adult's behaviour.