
理查德非常有音乐天赋,5 岁的时候就用口琴创作出一支曲子。曲名叫《菲菲圆舞曲》。菲菲是谁?原来,菲菲是爸爸给理查德取的名字,理查德的家人、朋友们,都喜欢叫他菲菲。  曲子做好了,弹给谁听呢?不久,家里举办了一次小型家庭聚会。在聚会中,理查德弹起了他创作的《菲菲圆舞曲》。大人们简直不敢相信,这样好听的曲子,竟是只有5 岁的理查德创作出来,大家都对理查德竖起了大拇指。听了大人们的称赞,理查德对音乐更加喜爱了。据说,6岁的理查德-克莱德曼读起乐谱来竟比他的母语——法语还要流利。理查德-克莱德曼12岁就进入音乐学校学习,16岁时的他在那里获得了第一名。人们预言他将成为一位前途无量的古典钢琴曲演奏家。可是在不久之后,令所有人惊奇的是,他放弃了对古典音乐的训练,而转向了当代音乐的演奏。音乐是没有国界的,理查德的音乐更是如此。 理查德十分喜爱中国的音乐,为了向世界宣传中国,理查德把很多中国歌曲改变成钢琴曲,是目前世界上改编并演奏中国音乐作品最多的外国艺术家。当我们听到由理查德改编的《一条大河》、《梁祝》等乐曲时,心里就会对理查德产生一种亲切感。我们知道,理查德正是以这种方式,用中国的音乐来表达对中国观众的敬意。

Richard is very talented in music, at the age of 5 with the harmonica to create a song. Its called "waltz". Who is it? Originally, I was the father to Richard name, Richard's family, friends, all liked to call him. The song well, playing the who to listen to? Soon, the house held a small family party. At the party, Richard plays his "waltz". The people could not believe, this beautiful song, was only 5 years old, Richard created, all of Richard the thumbs up. Listen to people's praise, Richard more love for music. Reportedly, the 6 year old Richard Clayderman read music was his native language -- French more fluently than. Richard - Clayderman 12 years into the music school, at the age of 16 where he won the first prize. People predicted that he would become a promising classical piano virtuoso. But soon after, to everyone's surprise, he gave up the classical music training, to contemporary music. Music is no national boundaries, the music of Richard is even more so. Richard is very fond of China music, in order to announce to the world China, Richard put a lot of Chinese songs change into piano music, is currently the world's adaptation and played China music the most foreign artists. When we heard from Richard's adaptation of "a river", "Butterfly Lovers" and other music, my heart will have a feeling of Richard. We know, Richard is in this way, with China music to express the Chinese audience respect.追问


第1个回答  2014-05-16
  Richard is talented in music, he wrote a harmonica song when he was only five. The song was called “Fei Fei Waltz". (对不起,我不会翻译歌名). Who is Fei Fei? Actually, Fei Fei is the name Richard's father gave him. Richard's family and friends all liked to call him Fei Fei. After the song was written, who shall hear it? Not long after, the family held a family party. At the party, Richard played his "Fei Fei Waltz". The adults could not believe that a song so beautiful was written by a five-year-old. Everyone praised Richard. It was said that at the age of six, Richard Clydeman could read music better than he could read his first language -- French. People predicted that he would become a promising classical piano artist. But not long after, to everybody's suprise, Richard gave up practising classical music, and turned to playing modern music. Music does not have international bounderies, neither does Richard's music. Richard really liked Chinese music. To advertise China to the world, Richard rewrote many traditional Chinese songs as piano songs. Up to now, he is the foreign artist who rewrote the most pieces of Chinese music. When we hear songs that Richard rewrote, such as "A Big River" and "The Butterfly Lovers", we feel good about him. We know that Richard uses this kind of method -- Chinese music to express his respect of the Chinese audience.
