a letter to my english teacher大学作文范文

对我英语老师的一封信 大学作文

第1个回答  2015-01-19
Dear Sir/Madam,
How are you?
I'm writing this letter to ask you for a favor.To be honest, I am not very good at English, but I do really want to improve it. You are the most earnest and responsible teacher that I have ever met. I really hope that with the help of you I can make some progresses. I will do my best. Could you help me with this?
Thank you very much for reading my letter.
Best wishes!
Yours sincerely,
请根据老师的性别选择sir或madam, 最后在XX的部分写上你的名字. 我自己也是个英语老师 希望能帮得上你的忙:)本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-01-19
Dear Sir/Madam,
How are you?
I'm writing this letter to ask you for a favor.To be honest, I am not very good at English, but I do really want to improve it. You are the most earnest and responsible teacher that I have ever met. I really hope that with the help of you I can make some progresses. I will do my best. Could you help me with this?
Thank you very much for reading my letter.
Best wishes!
Yours sincerely,