many more和much more仅仅是可数和不可数的区别吗


many more和much more的区别不仅仅跟是可数和不可数 ,要根据句子意思。
1、 “manymore +名词“和”much more+名词”结构后不接than比较从句的场合,表示“另外许 多……”意思。其中,more不属比较级。这时,many,much与more均为限定词,共同修饰其后的名词。many more +可数名词复数;. much more +不可数名词。
2、.在表示比较含义的句子中,much more后接多音节或双音节的形容词或副词(即“more+比较级”)的场合,表示“比……更……得多”意思。这时,much作副词,修饰其后的形容词或副词比较级more…。但many more则不适用于这个场合,因为many不能作副词。
1). He bought many more vegetables and much more bread this morning.
2).This book is much more interesting than that one. (此句不能用many more )
第1个回答  2018-07-27
many more更多的(修饰可数名词
例句:In 2011, you can give the gift of money in so many more creative ways. 2011年的今天,用买礼物的钱,你可以做出许多更有创意的礼物来。
much more 更加;多得多,但是这个词也是可修饰可数名词的复数。
举例:But with this company, we have much more freedom than most other companies, even globalcompanies, here in China. 但是我们在这里,比在大多数公司,甚至是这里的跨国集团,能享受到的自由要多得多。(修饰不可数)
It is difficult to understand his books, much more his lectures. 他写的书很难懂,他的讲演就更难懂了。(修饰可数)
We have to do much more. 我们要做的还有很多。(直接可以省略要修饰的东西)本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2016-07-22
much more是副词修饰比较级
many more更多的本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2016-07-23
many more后接一个名词一定是个复数可数名词。若不接名词,则more本身就被看作是一个复数名词,表示复数概念。如:
Some students are against the plan, but many more support it. 一些同学反对这项计划,但是有更多人支持它。 much more后接一个名词,这个名词一定是个不可数名词。若不接名词,则more本身就被看作是一个不可数名词。如:The farmers have produced much more rice. 这些农夫收了更多的稻谷。 many more不可能修饰形容词和副词,而much more和far more, even more, still more 等一样,可以修饰形容词和副词,表示“更加”。如: He worked much more carefully on the new design. 在这项新的设计上,他工作努力得多了。
第4个回答  2016-07-22