

The panda is the national treasure of china,can most represent China(熊猫是中国的国宝,最能够代表中国)

也可以这么说:The panda is a best symbol of national treasure in China.(熊猫是最代表中国的国宝.)

第1个回答  2005-12-06
Panda is the national treasure of china, it is the best symbol to represent china.

china's national treasure不太正规.china是不可属专有名词.
第2个回答  2005-12-06
The panda is a national treasure of China, it represents China mostly.
第3个回答  2005-12-06
Panda is the national treasure of china,which can stand for china well.
第4个回答  2005-12-06
The panda, which is a national treasure of China, reprensents the country best.