

1. Nick: Have you ever been pranked on April Fool's Day, Dave?
Dave: Yes, I had a friend who invited me to a costume party. When I arrived, I realized there was no costume party at all; just one person getting dressed. It was incredibly embarrassing. What about you, Nick?
2. Nick: Yeah, last April Fool's Day, when my alarm went off, I got up, took a shower, got dressed, and went to school. When I arrived, I realized there was no one there. It wasn't until about an hour later that other people started to show up. That's when I realized I'd been pranked by my younger brother.
Dave: What did your brother do?
Nick: Well... he set my alarm an hour earlier.
3.乔: What about you, Joe? Has anything happened to you on April Fool's Day?
4.乔: Yes, on March 31st of last year, a friend called me and told me to go take a math exam the next day. When I arrived at the math classroom, I felt exhausted because I had studied math all night. It wasn't until then that I realized I had been pranked by my friend. We didn't have a math exam at all!
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