



1、Environmental Concerns: 环境问题

We should address environmental concerns to protect our planet.

2、Health Concerns: 健康问题

The government is raising awareness about health concerns such as obesity and smoking.

3、Safety Concerns: 安全问题

The school addressed safety concerns by installing security cameras.

4、Economic Concerns: 经济问题

The company is facing economic concerns due to the recession.

5、Humanitarian Concerns: 人道主义关切

The organization focuses on humanitarian concerns, providing aid to refugees.

6、National Concerns: 国家问题

National concerns include issues related to security and economic stability.


1、Concern Oneself with (Something): 关心,关注

She concerns herself with social issues and volunteers at local charities.

2、Concern (Someone) about (Something): 使某人担忧

His behavior concerned his parents about his mental health.

3、Be Concerned about (Something/Someone): 担忧,关心

People are increasingly concerned about climate change and its impact on the environment.

4、Raise Concerns: 提出担忧

The employees raised concerns about the working conditions in the factory.

5、Express Concern: 表达担忧

The teacher expressed concerns about the students' lack of interest in the subject.

6、Address Concerns: 解决担忧

The company is working to address customers' concerns regarding product quality.

7、Lay Concerns to Rest: 消除担忧,安抚

The manager tried to lay the employees' concerns to rest by explaining the new policies.

8、Voice Concerns: 表达担忧

The citizens voiced their concerns about the proposed construction project in the town meeting.
